Pequeña duda con el Deposito de Niveles del Doomworld

Iniciado por Ivano Lich, Agosto 27, 2008, 06:36:19 AM

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Ivano Lich

Pues hace ratito me di cuenta que mis dos mapas

* Intacta
*y Equinoxio

Estan Publicados en "Idgames" sin que yo lo hiciese

sino miren estos Intacta y Equinoxio

Me quede :shock:  :shock:  :shock:

Pero que rayos estan haciendo hay si ni siquiera he resivido un correo en mi cuenta ????

Alguien sabe porque ?  :?


Heavy Gunner ²

Supongo que alguien de aqui, o algun curioso que termino por aqui lo subio.

From illusion to truth... From darkness to light... From doom to eternity...


y tiene algo malo que eso pase?, te estan dado los creditos correspondientes, si hubiese salido con otro nombre de autor, pues ahi deberias preocuparte. :lol:

Murder Death Kill

Yo no le encuentro nada de raro...
En las Newstuff Chronicles #324 hablaban del mapa de Cabro "Efecto 2000".
Dice esto: (tenés que saber inglés)

Efecto 2000 (2000 Effect) - Cabro

Reviewed by: hardcore_gamer
Well here we have a Doom 2 map from Cabro!

It's not really the best map I have ever played, but it's not at all the worst one either.

If I were one of those reviewers that claim that ALL wads that have a lot of square rooms are crap then I would probably be crapping all over this map right now, since this map is indeed FULL of them! Does that mean that the map is bad? Well no, but the square design is still very dull; you walk into a room that's shaped like a square, you open a door and walk through a square-like hallway, just before opening another door, before walking into the next room that is also shaped guessed it, ANOTHER DAMN SQUARE!

The map does make up for the whole square design with nice gameplay at first, as I found myself fighting Chaingunners and Cacodemons in a rather fun fashion.

But then the map just goes down the toilet. I found myself fighting mancubuses, Barons of Hell and Hell Knights in cramped spaces, and even though the map does give you enough ammo to handle those situations, it's still not fun to fight through them. I also found myself wandering around the map for like 10 minutes or something looking for the keys to open the locked doors.

The final fight puts 4-5 Barons of Hell and a Archvile into a small cramped room where the exit switch is. NOT fun at all.

In a nutshell:

The Good:
-Rather fun gameplay during the first half of the map.
-The map gives you enough health and ammo for the most part.
-Many monster types used.

The Bad:
-VERY square-like design.
-Many battles take place in cramped spaces and rooms.
-I found my self running around for a long time trying to find out what to do.

Final verdict: This map is not total shit or anything, in fact it's not all that bad at all, but it's not all that fun either.

Ivano Lich

La fea costumbre de no leer toodoo el Txt de doomwold, y esque amero abajo esta el Señor que lo Subio

No fui yo pero le doy las Grasias  :wink:


Eye del Cul

Cierto, fui yo... Espero no haber molestado a nadie.

Me pareció buena idea porque hay muchos mapas interesantes creados por la comunidad hispana que nunca han llegado a Doomworld, sino que están repartidos por pequeñas páginas personales sin posibilidad de alcanzar un público más amplio. Y si esas páginas desaparecen -como pasó con la de Cabro-, puede suceder que los mapas desaparezcan con ellas. Y eso sería una pena.

Los de Ivano Lich no son los únicos que he subido, por cierto.
«Porque buscar a alguien patético en Internet es como buscar caballos en un establo: encontrarás alguno, seguramente» -- Phobos Anomaly


Eye, no sé si se ha dado el caso, pero si tenías pensado subir alguno mío, no lo hagas de momento. Ya lo haré yo si acaso, es que les cambié los txts a todos mis mapas para ponerlos con el nick que uso ahora (Mojon_man) y se podría crear confusión si luego me diese por subir más cosas.

Murder Death Kill

A tus mapas ya los pusieron en las "Newstuff Chronicles #326 aca las opiniones de los que los probaron.

Equinoxio - Ivano Lich

Reviewed by: udderdude
This is a SP map for ZDoom, using Doom 2. Most of the action takes place in wide open outdoor courtyards that are very dark despite being chock full of torches. Ammo is very tight; you had better save everything you've got. It's a good idea to avoid killing the imps on cliffs and caged barons until you've cleared the rest of the map, or you stand the chance of running out. The wide-open spaces were only briefly flooded with monsters, and they were easily dispatched. Unfortunately, the author decided to go for everyone's favorite annoyance - chaingunners and shotgunners hiding on the cliffs and in the darkness, ticking away at your health from miles away before you finally manage to find them and kill them. This is offset by two Soulspheres which are easily obtainable. Still doesn't really make it any less annoying, though. It also sports one of the most annoying mine sections I've ever encountered in a map before. The only way it could be worse is if it was full of switch-hunting (I'd better not give the author any bad ideas...) Overall this map left me feeling more annoyed than anything else. I can't really say I recommend it, but maybe someone else out there really enjoys this kind of thing.

Intacta - Ivano Lich

Reviewed by: udderdude
This is an SP map for Doom 2. This one is quite varied - there's a techbase, ruined city and a mountain pass to travel through. Each section is completely cut off from the others, accessible only by teleports. They're all pretty short, too. Detail level is high, everything looks nice. Gameplay is good, pretty fun overall. The final fight can be a bit of a challenge. Overall it's recommended.

En fin, no recibiste malas críticas, que son típicas de usuarios de Doomworld.

Ivano Lich

Pues todo lo contrario de las criticas de Equinoxio

aunque ya sabia todo esto justo el dia que lo pusieron en el "Newstuff Chronicles #326"

De hecho pues un tal "Robin Palmer"  Usuario de Doomworld me envio mi mapa (intacta) "Fix" Corrigiendo algunos errores de los que ya tenia contados para que funcionaran mucho mejor en "GLBoom" ...
