Zdaemon 1.08.06

Iniciado por Jumentor, Mayo 27, 2008, 06:58:17 PM

Tema anterior - Siguiente tema


Bueno, ya ha salido el Zdaemon 1.08.06. Si, ya sé que pensaréis que es una actualización de medio pelo como las anteriores, que casi ni se notaban; pero el caso es que parece ser que han tocado bastantes cosas. Copypaste del archivo de texto que viene con esta nueva versión:

6. Point 06 release (May 26, 2008)
1. Display the target player health along with name in coop or when the
   target player is a teammate (in team modes),  or when spectating (in
   any mode). The nick and health are color coded depending on the target
2. Target names are not shown any more for dead players.
3. Added support for teleporting missiles (all kinds). It's activated
   with the DF2_TELEMISSILES = 1 dmflag (dmflag2 actually) or the associated
   "sv_telemissiles" CVAR. If you don't want to enable teleporting of
   all missiles, you can also use the dehacked approach for selected
   ones only. Older clients will not be able to handle such missiles
   properly (they may be hit by invisible missiles: this is the only
   known incompatibility), so a client upgrade is strongly recommended.
4. We now force "fuzz" rather than translucency when playing non-coop
5. Implemented proper weapon animation during spying / demo viewing.
   There are still two minor glitches that cannot get fixed right now
   since they require protocol changes. Therefore, they'll have to
   wait for 1.09.
6. New server CVAR "specs_dont_disturb_players". It defaults to false.
   If turned on, spectator chat is echoed to other spectators, but not
   to players.
7. Private messages from players to spectators are now blocked
   (cheating opportunity).
8. Private messages from spectator to spectator are now enabled.
9. Added support for SECTINFO lumps in wads; they are plain text
   lumps and specify:
   1. which sectors are considered parts of a team "base area".
       2. user-assigned names for each sector.
   There can be more than one such lumps in all wads; you can find
   some sample SECTINFO at http://www.zdemon.org/doc/sectinfo/
10. Added special escape sequences for chat strings: %a -> armor,
   %h -> health, %l -> current location (as determined by a SECTINFO
   lump). They can be useful for binds in team modes.
11. Spectator behavior is now identical between SP and CS mode. They
   don't activate anything, including teleports. Some maps though
   require teleporting (eg., Icon of Sin map in coop mode). For that
   reason, a "spectator teleport" button has been added. If you press
   it while crossing a teleport line, the teleport works (client-side
   only: nothing gets triggered on the server).
12. Fixed some problems in the automap code; it should now be able to
   handle maps up to 32767 units wide or long.
13. Implemented recursive directory searching for wads. It's activated
   by using 2 slashes at the end of the directory path. For example:
   "-waddir c:\zdaemon" does NOT do recursive searches, while
   "-waddir c:\zdaemon\\" does. Unix servers naturally use forward
   rather than backward slashes.
14. Enabled the server to find bots.cfg in the current directory
   in addition to the zcajun directory.
15. The PCX screenshot format has been replaced by PNG. A nice feature
   of the format is that it supports the specification of the gamma
   value, so the screenshot should look similar to the actual display
   inside the game.
16. Shooting corpses should now be a thing of the past.
17. Fixed a bug where the wrong switch would be lit in online mode. It
   happened when more than 1 switches triggered the same item.
18. Implemented a new client CVAR called "screenshot_scores". If set
   to true, it automatically takes screenshots at the end of games.
19. Added a "motd" client command.
20. Fixed a problem where the server might freeze for a few seconds in
   rare occasions.
21. Got rid of the "tx" and "ty" client CVARs; they are inappropriate
   for a multiplayer environment.
22. No more "Cannot play non-ZDoom demos. (They would go out of sync
   badly.)" messages.
23. Fixed the spectator splashing problem (example: heretic e1m1).
24. Spectators should not be pushed by wind (example: heretic e1m1).
25. Spectators should not grunt when hitting walls or landing on things.
26. The "limitpainelemental" server CVAR imposes a limit of 20 lost
   souls per map. The CVAR now defaults to true (ie., same as classic
   doom) rather than false.
27. Corrected a sprite scaling issue, courtesy of Phenex2.
28. Heretic gauntlet usage could result in a server kick (turbo); same
   idea as the doom chainsaw.
29. Fixed a problem with the color of Heretic KeyGizmos in online mode.
30. "Bullet puffs" (so to speak) were missing in Heretic online mode.
31. The client would get stuck into an infinite loop on connection to a
   heretic server containing dead heretic imps. Fixed.
32. The "zbot" skin name is automatically translated to "zbor" in Heretic
   mode and "zbox" in Hexen mode. All 3 skins are not available to
   players: only to bots.
33. The "You need the XXX key to open this door" message now produces a
   grunt in online mode as well.
34. Fixed the behavior of missiles when they hit Line_Horizon lines.
35. Dormant items should not generate blood spurts or splatter.
36. Water splashes were getting spawned both on the server and the client.
37. Keys retained by the DF2_KEEP_KEYS dmflag when someone died in coop
   were not shown in the HUD.
38. More bot chatter/taunting courtesy of Adereth.
39. No more "Client output packet overflow" while viewing demos.
40. The client's pickup switch method would get inadvertently modified
   on some unusual conditions (manual map change and player NOT being
  the first on the server). Fixed.
41. Added a -nomsgbox cmd. line parameter to facilitate auto-restarts in
   case of crashes.
42. Blocked the respawning of monsters spawned by ACS or the Icon of Sin
   cube in nightmare mode. That was an old and unresolved doom2.exe bug.
43. No more "attempted server crash" auto-bans.
44. Blue armor is now included in the DF_NO_SUPER dmflag
45. Implemented a server sanity check for teamdamage (0..1)
46. Implemented a server sanity check for air control (0..1)
47. Implemented a server sanity check for gravity (0..1600)
48. Removed the enable_rcon cvar; rcon is enabled only when rcon_password
   is NOT empty.
49. Removed the force_password cvar: it's implied depending on the
   "password" cvar; if "password" is empty, then the server is public.
   If it's not empty, then the server will require a password.
50. Implemented new launcher info packet covering all the functionality
   needed for 1.09
51. The manual /map command on the server was not saving the bot state,
   so bots added by /addbot on the current map would not spawn on the
   next one.
52. Stopped the auto-scrolling of the zserv32 window when the window
   is not already at the bottom.
53. Sometimes the server would report phantom players to the launcher.
   Should be fixed now.
54. Sometimes the player list on zserv32 was wrong. Fixed.
55. Increased number of map list slots from 36 to 1024.
56. New mapcycle related commands on the server:
      mapskipby <number>: Goes forward/backward in the map list
      mapskipto <mapname>: Goes forward in the map list
                           to the specified map
57. Automatically saves the mapcycle index to a file before each map start.
   The file gets deleted on normal exit. If the file is found on startup,
   it means that the program had previously crashed, so it continues the
   map cycle from the map following the one in the saved file.
58. Fixed the server to reduce the "pullback" on the first spawn.
59. The server can accept alternate wads in the place of one or more
   wads. Useful examples are allowing freedoom/freedm rather than
   doom2 (or vice versa), facevox rather than zvox2, etc. This is
   enabled via the "setaltwads" server command (which could reside
   in zserv.cfg). Here is an example:
   setaltwads "doom2=freedoom062=freedm062 zvox2=facevox2=sharkvox"
   This tells zserv that it can accept freedoom062.wad or freedm062.wad
   in place of doom2.wad and it can accept facevox2.wad or sharkvox.wad
   in place of zvox2.wad. Some important points:
     a. For any equivalence to be accepted, one of the wads in the
        equivalence must be already loaded and zserv must be able to
        find the other ones in order to checksum them. This also
        means that either all the wads should reside in the current
        or program directory, or you should use the -waddir cmd. line
        parameter (or the WADDIR env. variable) to tell zserv where
        the wads are.
     b. The entire argument of the setaltwads command must be enclosed
        in double quotes.
     c. When zserv executes this command, it does the above checks
        and sets up the equivalences. It will also display the
        equivalence on the console, so you can be sure if it has been
        accepted or not.
     d. Freedoom and freedm are not frozen like doom2.wad; therefore,
        we *absolutely* need proper versioning in their filenames,
        eg., use something like freedoom062.wad rather than freedoom.wad
        The use of the "unversioned" wad name will lead to chaos from
        the part of the players (what will happen for example if half
        the servers run one version of freedoom, the other half uses
        another version and they all use the same name? how will a
        player be able to play?). Therefore, we will have no other
        option but to block from the master server any zserv using
        the unversioned wad names.
60. The launcher has been upgraded to understand and handle alternate
   wads properly. It will prompt you when a selection has to be made
   and it will remember your choice.
61. Implemented a CTF point system that's based on the one from Q3
   slightly extended to handle 3- and 4-way CTF. Here is the way
   points are calculated:
      1. +1 point for fragging an enemy player
      2. -1 point for fragging a teammate.
      3. -1 point for committing suicide (environment kills count
         as suicide too)
      4. +2 points for fragging an enemy carrying your flag.
      5. +1 points for fragging an enemy carrying any other flag
         but yours (applicable to 3- and 4-way games only).
      6. -2 points for fragging a teammate carrying an enemy flag.
      7. +5 points for capturing an enemy flag.
      8. +1 point for returning your flag.
      9. +1 point for assisting a capture by returning your flag and
         your team capturing within 4 seconds.
     10. +2 points for assisting a capture by fragging an enemy
         carrying your flag and your team capturing within 4 seconds.
     11. +2 points for fragging someone who has recently damaged
         your flag carrier.
     12. +1 point for fragging an enemy player within sight of AND
         near your flag carrier.
     13. +1 point for fragging an enemy player in your base area (as
         determined by a SECTINFO lump).
   The points are added up according to the applicable rules. Suppose
   for example that you frag an opponent carrying your flag and return
   it: you get +1 point from rule #1, +2 points from rule #4 and +1
   point from rule #8: 4 points in total. If the fragging took place
   in your base area, then rule #13 would apply as well, so another
   point would be added.
62. Modified the server to avoid creating the .zdoom directory in the
   user's home directory (unix) and to enable a common convention
   across all O/Ss. All WAD files are searched on the current directory
   first, then on the zserv program directory, then on the directory
   specified by the "-waddir" cmd. line option or the "WADDIR"
   environment variable.
63. cl_maxbodies lower bound goes from 1 to 3.
64. New chat spam defaults: 4 messages per 8 seconds for team modes
   or 10 seconds for non-team modes.
65. New "maplist" command on the client. It prints the server map
66. The "restartemptymap" server cvar has been extended to reset the
   level timer (if one is in effect) when the first player joins.
67. Spectators should not trigger "thing specials" (example: jumppads
   in zdctfmp map10).
68. "New style scoreboard" option removed from options menu. The
   "newscores" CVAR is still there for those who insist.
69. New client CVAR "zd_overridecolors" that lets you override the
   colors you see for your teammates and enemies (in all modes).
   When zd_overridecolors is on, teammates are displayed using
   the "teammate_color" CVAR, and enemies are displayed using the
   "enemy_color" CVAR.
70. Fixed a problem in the handling of the up arrow key in the option
   menus of the client. The menu would appear blank and it could lead
   to a client crash.
71. New "sitrep" CVAR that shows you your teammates names, health,
   armor and location in team modes or coop, or works like a mini
   scores-screen in DM. The report's position can be adjusted by
   the "sitrep_xofs" and "sitrep_yofs" CVARs. There is also a
   "sitrep_fontsize" CVAR that controls the size of the report's
   font (it can range from 0 up to 7: defaults to 1).
72. Fixed various problems with coop spawning, including spawning of
   players above the number of coop starts in the map, spawning
   under bridge things, blocking of spawn points by other players
   or monsters, etc. If a spawn is blocked by a player or monster,
   they will get telefragged except for the first 5 seconds of
   the level. That should give players enough time to move off the
   spawn points.
73. Related to coop spawning is voodoo doll support. A new dmflag
   (DF2_VOODOO_DOLL = 0x2000000) was added that enables the
   detection of voodoo doll starts as such; this avoids spawning
   real players on the voodoo doll starts. Beware: this is only the
   beginning of voodoo doll support and it's very far from completion.
   So don't expect voodoo dolls to work yet.
74. Fixed an oversight in the team switching server code whereby one
   could get around the maxplayersperteam limit.
75. Implemented map reset, map switch and player kick voting. They
   are controlled by the following server CVARs:
      sv_vote_limit = 3          // # of times someone can call a
                                 //     vote per map
      sv_vote_timeout = 45       // How long the voting will last
                                 //     (in seconds)
      sv_vote_reset = 0          // Enable/disable reset voting
      sv_vote_map = 0            // Enable/disable map voting
      sv_vote_map_percent = 51   // Percentage needed to pass the
                                 //     reset/switch vote
      sv_vote_map_skip = 0       // How many maps must be played before
                                 //     a given map is eligible for
                                 //     voting after it has been played.
      sv_vote_kick = 0           // Enable/disable kick voting
      sv_vote_kick_percent = 75  // Percentage needed to pass the
                                 //     player kick vote
   Player kicking is available only for coop modes. The other forms of
   voting are recommended only on coop or private/LAN or tournament servers.
   The voting is initiated by the "callvote" command on the client. It can
   assume one of the forms:
      callvote reset
      callvote map <mapname>
      callvote kick <playername>
   When someone calls a vote, a notification about the ongoing vote is
   displayed on everyone's HUD. Players can then vote for or against the
   proposal by typing "yes" or "no" on their console or saying "yes" or
   "no" in chat.

   There are 2 other voting related client commands: the "voteinfo" command
   displays the server voting CVARs, while the "maplist" command displays
   the server map rotation (this is useful for issuing a callvote map
   command as you may not know which maps are in the server rotation).

   The position of the voting display on the client can be adjusted by
   the "vote_xofs" and "vote_yofs" CVARs. The "vote_fontsize" CVAR controls
   the font size used for the display; it can range from 0 to 7 and it
   defaults to 1. Finally the "vote_compact" CVAR results in a slightly
   more compact voting display.
76. Introduced a concept of "limited rcon". The server admin can define up
   to 9 different "limited rcon levels". Each level is characterized by a
   different rcon password and a set of commands authorized to issue. Here
   is an applied example: suppose the server admin wants to give limited
   rcon access to a tournament referee. The referee should be able to do
   specific tasks, but he is not supposed to change the server setup, stop,
   restart the server, etc.The server admin could put the following in
   the zserv.cfg file:
      set rcon_pwd_1  "referee"
      set rcon_cmds_1 "mapskipby mapskipto maplist players kick addtempban"
   These 2 lines define "limited rcon level 1", its password and the
   authorized commands. You can define up to 9 such levels (rcon_pwd_1 ...
   rcon_pwd_9) if you have to.
77. Fixed an item respawn bug where the respawn sound and flash occured
   twice in quick succession in c/s mode.
78. Fixed an item respawn bug where a respawned item would appear at a
   different vertical position than where it actually was spawned on
   the server.
79. Made the parsing of MAPINFO lumps more forgiving in terms of unknown
   keywords. When such keywords are encountered, the parsing of mapinfo
   stops and the program continues rather than aborting.
80. Ported ANIMDEFS WARP2 Eternity style flat warping effect from ZDoom
   courtesy of Worst-vd-plas.
81. Implemented air supply support in MAPINFO courtesy of Phenex.
82. Started work on enabling dehacked for heretic/hexen courtesy of

No me he leído todo, pero a simple vista me ha llamado la atención lo de que los misiles se puedan teletransportar; el "votemap" y "votekick" y el lump que han añadido, el SECTINFO (para identificar ciertas áreas en un mapa, mas información en http://forums.zdaemon.org/viewtopic.php?t=11653&start=0 ).

Esto me animará un poquillo, que últimamente el Zdaemon me estaba empezando a dar un poco igual.


yo prefiero ahora el skull tag, el modo invasion es la rehostia y los wads que hay en el zdaemon estan ya vistisimos



lo bajare y aver si me agarra.
::bfg:: porque sabe?


Cita de: "Ventor"Bueno, ya ha salido el Zdaemon 1.08.06. Si, ya sé que pensaréis que es una actualización de medio pelo como las anteriores, que casi ni se notaban; pero el caso es que parece ser que han tocado bastantes cosas. Copypaste del archivo de texto que viene con esta nueva versión:

Esto me animará un poquillo, que últimamente el Zdaemon me estaba empezando a dar un poco igual.

Voy a bajarlo.


Si .. pero ya arreglaron para que funcionen los mapas "modernos" para ZDooM ? Por que eso iba como el culo...
Me temo que yo también tengo blog : http://zardoz.es/



Citar1. Display the target player health along with name in coop or when the
target player is a teammate (in team modes), or when spectating (in
any mode). The nick and health are color coded depending on the target

This gonna to be COOL.

Yeah, yeah, cool.


Ufff el votekick va a dar mucho que hablar sobretodo en FFA. Ya me veo a los típicos cojoneros intentando echar a los que ganan la mayoría de partidas o simplemente para fastidiar.


Una pregunta:
Pero exactamente con que version de Zdoom esta actualizada?
He visto que se han arreglado fallos en Heretic! ni enterado que Zdaemon soportaba el Heretic en multiplayer :?
Gracias por la info.
Por cierto, Hoyga, correccion:

Cita de: "Shinobi Doomer"This gonna to be COOL.

Se dice: "This is going to be cool..." o tambien "this's gonna be cool" :lol:
"Get over here!"


Lo del SECTINFO lo veo muy interesante. Habrá que ver.

Y Bazooka, la solución esta en el planteamiento, pues si alguno se dedica a molestar, lo echan y ya.


Cita de: "BAZOOKA"Ufff el votekick va a dar mucho que hablar sobretodo en FFA. Ya me veo a los típicos cojoneros intentando echar a los que ganan la mayoría de partidas o simplemente para fastidiar.

Va a estar sólo disponible para cooperativo, parece ser. Desde luego, si hay un modo de juego que lo necesita, es ese. Para el resto la verdad es que da un poco igual.


Cita de: "Ventor"
Cita de: "BAZOOKA"Ufff el votekick va a dar mucho que hablar sobretodo en FFA. Ya me veo a los típicos cojoneros intentando echar a los que ganan la mayoría de partidas o simplemente para fastidiar.

Va a estar sólo disponible para cooperativo, parece ser. Desde luego, si hay un modo de juego que lo necesita, es ese. Para el resto la verdad es que da un poco igual.
La verdad es que no lo había leido entero y aún no lo he descargado.
Teniendo en cuenta la gente que puebla los FFA yo ya me lo olía. Aunque bueno siempre se arreglaría con una demo y un baneo temporal.


Por cierto, ¿habéis probado a hacer F12 a algún jugador en una partida?. Seguro que recordáis que ántes se veía como el ojete, con sprites que no eran sprites, sino "sprite" en singular; y que además no cambiaba tras coger un arma...

Pues todo eso se ha acabado, hoy mismo lo he comprobado y ahora, en comparación a como se veía ántes, se ve de putísima madre.

Ésta sí que ha sido una buena actualización, si señor.

Crazy Chicken

buena?!?, esta actualizacion solo me ha dado problemas, con la version anterior no tenia ningun problema de conexion, pero cuando instale esta ya no se quiere conectar, me manda el odioso error de cannot connect to master server, no me digan que pruebe con el tutorial de Gacix69 porque ya lo use y no pasa nada
Recatate que vienen los Gremlins viteh!!!!
Crazy Chicken Palace, entren o MORIRAN!!


Oh, venga, por favor, ese es el error clásico de Zdaemon que se va solo esperando. No tiene nada que ver con la actualización.


Cita de: "LOcOman"buena?!?, esta actualizacion solo me ha dado problemas, con la version anterior no tenia ningun problema de conexion, pero cuando instale esta ya no se quiere conectar, me manda el odioso error de cannot connect to master server, no me digan que pruebe con el tutorial de Gacix69 porque ya lo use y no pasa nada

No sera porque banearon  a 2 cheaters y te toco (como a mi) en el rango de ip baneadas...


Verifica ahi si esta tu ip (en el rango de ips baneadas)

A mi me afecto con estos 2 putos cheaters
:evil: .

190.21.*.*#piperap: cheating
190.22.*.*#[SUR]-Li-: cheating

Gamefusion no muere....