3 demonios,4 juegos...

Iniciado por duke3d.map, Septiembre 24, 2006, 11:12:28 PM

Tema anterior - Siguiente tema


Como nunca juoguei heretic 2 e hexen 2,gostaria de saber qual era el demonio de heretic 2,pelo que eu saiba son so 3 demonios e eliodon esta en hexen 2.


creo que puedo responder eso. Si te finçjas bien, al terminar "The dome of D'Sparil" en heretic 1 y entiendes ingles, veras que dice que antes de morir, D'Sparil murmura un hechizo. Pues bien, creo que en uno de los juegos deberás enfrentar las consecuencias de ese hechizo.


D'Sparil --> Heretic
Hermano "mediano" --> Hexen
Hermano "Mayor" --> Hexen 2

En el Heretic 2, nuestro elfo debe de buscar la cura de una plaga (las consecuencias del hechizo de D'Sparil ?)
Me temo que yo también tengo blog : http://zardoz.es/



Cita de: "ZardoZ"D'Sparil --> Heretic
Hermano "mediano" --> Hexen
Hermano "Mayor" --> Hexen 2

En el Heretic 2, nuestro elfo debe de buscar la cura de una plaga (las consecuencias del hechizo de D'Sparil ?)

Hermano "mediano" = Korax
Hermano "mayor" = Eidolon


Hum... voy investigar esse hechizo.


Cita de: "ZardoZ"D'Sparil --> Heretic
Hermano "mediano" --> Hexen
Hermano "Mayor" --> Hexen 2

En el Heretic 2, nuestro elfo debe de buscar la cura de una plaga (las consecuencias del hechizo de D'Sparil ?)

Tanto tu como Raccoon estais equivocados.

El demonio del Heretic 1 se llama Maulotaur (no Minotaur), que es un simple demonio menor, quizás tenga algún parentesco con Korax o Eidolon.

De hecho es el bicho del avatar de duke3d.map:

Aún así, dudo que la historia del Heretic 1 tenga algo que ver con la del Hexen 1 y 2, pero quién sabe...

Eidolon, Korax y D'Sparil NO son hermanos, son demonios, pero que no guardan parentesco entre sí.

Korax es el "malo final" del Hexen 1, Eidolon del Hexen 2, y D'Sparil es otro de los demonios pero que fué destruído por los ejércitos humanos antes que Eidolon y después de Kórax.

La historia está relatada en el manual (el cual tengo original) del Hexen 2:

"Un poderoso mago creó una barco capaz de surcar el espacio, y con la posibilidad de llegar al fin del espacio. Éste, está protegido del infierno por una bóveda de cristal, la cual separa a los demonios y los mantiene alejados de nuestra realidad. Sin embargo, el mago, con afán de curiosidad, llega hasta la bóveda de cristal, y sin fijarse, se aproxima tanto que le hace una pequeña brecha, por la cual penetran a nuestro mundo tres demonios. El mago, viendo el mal que ha hecho, se sacrifica, para hacer un poderoso hechizo que cierre la breca.

Pero ya es demasiado tarde, pues esos tres demonios (D'Sparil, Korax y Eidolon) ya están entre nosotros, y comienzan a hacer fechorías.

Sin embargo, un bravo héroe (el proagonista del Hexen 1) consigue derrotar a Korax en una fuerte pelea, aunque al final, devido al cansancio y los hechizos del demonio (Korax) éste muere, aunque ha derrotado a su enemigo.

El segundo demonio D'Sparil es derrotado fácilmente. Un concilio formado por Magos, guerreros y demás, reúnen un fuerte ejército, y al final consiguen derrotar al demonio.

Sin embargo, Eidolon, el más fuerte e inteligente, corrompe al consejo, y elimina a sus cabecillas. Tras un tiempo, decide invadir las cuatro principales regiones del mundo (que son las zonas en las que jugamos en el Hexen 2: Castillo medieval, Mundo Maya, Egipto y Roma). Las tropas de Eidolon rezuman por todos lados, y cualquier ejérciyo ya ha sido diezmado.
Además, para poner las cosas más difíciles, toma como Generales de sus ejércitos a los Cuatro Ginetes del Apocalipsis: La muerte, El hambre, La peste y La Guerra. Cualquiera que desee enfrentarse contra Eidolon, tendrá que derrotar primero a los Ginetes.

Por otro lado, cada personaje que podemos elegir en el Hexen 2, tiene un motivo diferente para luchar contra Eidolon. A saber:

1.- El Nigromante: Tras descubrir los secretos de la nigromancia en un papiro dentro de una pirámide abandonada, decide dominar su pequeño pueblo natal, usando para ello zombies resucitados, esqueletos, etc... Sin embargo, la cosa le queda pequeña. Desea dominar toda la región, y luego, el mundo entero. Con la llegada de Eidolon, éste se convierte en su primer enemigo a batir, ya que si es capaz de derrotar a Eidolon, ya no habrá nadie que se le resista.

2.- El Paladín: Desde pequeño fué entrenado junto con otros niños en un monasterio alejado del resto del mundo. Ya cuando se hizo más grande, descubrió su propio poder.
Un día, mientras meditaba, alejado del monasterio, los secuaces de Eidolon asaltaron el lugar, cuando todos estaban durmiendo. Todos murieron, excepto él, que no se encontraba allí en ese momento.
Maldiciendo así su descuido y el no poder haber defendido a sus hermanos y maestros, se armó de valentía y decidió tomar venganza en nombre de sus hermanos caídos. Era la hora de matar a Eidolon.

3.- La Asesina: cuando era pequeña, robaba la comida en la tienda de turno, y cuando iba creciendo, sus espectatibas también. Ahora ya robaba a los ricos mercaderes, asaltaba las carrozas de los nobles, e incluso robaba joyas del propio palacio real.
Sin embargo, todo eso ya npo suponía reto para ella. Necesitaba algo más. Y así, con la llegada de Eidolon y sus ejércitos...¿qué mejor aliciente que poder asesinar al que dominaba el mundo entero?

5.- El Cruzado: la ley de los cruzados no permite matar a nadie, pero si el mal que hay en un sitio no se puede eliminar "por las buenas", se necesitarán métodos más "agresivos".
Defendiendo desde muy joven su religión, y gracias a llos poderes que le otorgaba su dios, el paladín se opondría a la dominación de Eidolón, como amenaza a su fe que representaba.
Con una maza sagrada, y la fé a sus espaldas, el paladín se encaminaría hacia el palacio de Eidolón para eliminar el cáncer del planeta.


Cita de: "Karnizero"Eidolon, Korax y D'Sparil NO son hermanos, son demonios, pero que no guardan parentesco entre sí.

Hombre ahora que lo dices, recuerdo que cuando matabas a Korax, una mano manejaba su ficha en el ajedrez y cuando moria D'Sparil no se si salia Korax en forma humanoide o Eidolon con una "robe"

Pero el unico parentesco que guardan esque son los "jinetes de las serpientes", alomejor en su mundo demoniaco eran demonios aliados o que usaban metodos comunes, como son las serpientes del caos, de ahi su apodo de jinetes de las serpientes

Pero aun asi sigo sin saber que papel juega la esfera del caos, ¿es un poderoso artefacto que aumenta el poder de quien lo posee no? Vamos la tipica forma de recoger poder
Soy el mayor de los frikis!


Cita de: "Sami"Hombre ahora que lo dices, recuerdo que cuando matabas a Korax, una mano manejaba su ficha en el ajedrez y cuando moria D'Sparil no se si salia Korax en forma humanoide o Eidolon con una "robe"

En ningún juego se mata a D'Sparil.
Cuando matas al malo final del Hexen 1, estás matando a Korax, y la mano que mueve la ficha, seguramente sea la de Eidolon o la de D'Sparil. Yo me inclino más por Eidolon, ya que D'Sparil es el más joven de los demonios y el más débil.

Cita de: "Sami"Pero el unico parentesco que guardan esque son los "jinetes de las serpientes", alomejor en su mundo demoniaco eran demonios aliados o que usaban metodos comunes, como son las serpientes del caos, de ahi su apodo de jinetes de las serpientes

Caballeros Serpiente.
Ni idea que lo que podrían hacer en su mundo...

Cita de: "Sami"Pero aun asi sigo sin saber que papel juega la esfera del caos, ¿es un poderoso artefacto que aumenta el poder de quien lo posee no? Vamos la tipica forma de recoger poder

¿Has jugado al Hexen 2? ¿Y te lo has pasado?
Si no te lo has pasado, mejor no te lo cuento, ya que te estropearía el juego.
Y me da la impresión de que NO te lo has pasado, por que si no ya sabrías qué papel juega la esfera 8)

¡¡¡Por favor, si alguien lo sabe, que no lo diga!!!


Yo pensaba que en Heretic, al final, moría D´Sparil :? .


Cita de: "Karnizero"
De hecho es el bicho del avatar de duke3d.map:

Vea pues...ese es el bicho final del Heretic :shock: ya lo eh empezado varias veces pero nunca lo he podido terminar :evil:
Sera muy complicado?
Halcon Siv
Suerte para todos
Ah!!! y que viva el Rock y los Arcades 3D


Cita de: "Karnizero"
Cita de: "ZardoZ"D'Sparil --> Heretic
Hermano "mediano" --> Hexen
Hermano "Mayor" --> Hexen 2

En el Heretic 2, nuestro elfo debe de buscar la cura de una plaga (las consecuencias del hechizo de D'Sparil ?)

Tanto tu como Raccoon estais equivocados.

El demonio del Heretic 1 se llama Maulotaur (no Minotaur), que es un simple demonio menor, quizás tenga algún parentesco con Korax o Eidolon.

De hecho es el bicho del avatar de duke3d.map:

En que me equivoqué???, yo solo mencione los nombres de los Serpent Riders de cada juego, aparte eso del Maulotaurus que tiene que ver aqui???, si duke3d.map estaba preguntando otra cosa. El Maulotaurus, o mejor dicho "LOS" Maulotaurus son subjefes, te los enfrentas por primera vez en el final del episodio 2 del Heretic, El "HELL'S MAW", Podrían considerarlo como la variante medieval del Cyberdemon (tomando en cuenta que la mayoria de las cosas del Heretic son versiones medievales de Doom)

Cita de: "Karnizero"Aún así, dudo que la historia del Heretic 1 tenga algo que ver con la del Hexen 1 y 2, pero quién sabe...

No tienen ningúna relacion directa, aunque todos los juegos se miden en la misma "realidad", pero en diferentes dimensiones, en la practica, cada Serpent Rider se dedicaba a invadir el reino que le daba la gana mientras los otros se metian en sus asuntos, pero tenian conocimiento de lo que hacian sus colegas. Los Serpent Riders se dedican a viajar entre dimensiones y a destriur mundos y sumirlos en al oscuridad (blablabla... lo mismo de siempre). D'Sparril, (se supone que era el más joven y debil) invadió el reino de Corvus, nuestro amigo elfo, asi que Corvus lo enfrentó y lo destruyó, esto lo dice en el final de heretic:

Pero cuando entro en el portal para regresar a su hogar la incertidumbre invade a Corvus y siente que algo no esta bien, aqui dejan la puerta abierta a los sucesos de Heretic 2 y aparte hacen una pequeña conexion con lo que pasara en Hexen, cuando muestran a Heresiarch , uno de los esbirros de Korax, (a Heresiarch te lo enfrentas como a un subjefe dos veces, y de hecho es más dificil que el mismo Korax)

Este es Heresiarch:

Y aqui esta en Accion:

Cita de: "Karnizero"Eidolon, Korax y D'Sparil NO son hermanos, son demonios, pero que no guardan parentesco entre sí.

Esta claro que no son hermanos ni primos ni sobrinos, en mi post anterior solo seguí el ejemplo de Zardoz, el único vínculo que se les conoce es que los 3 son Serpent Riders.

Cita de: "Karnizero"Korax es el "malo final" del Hexen 1, Eidolon del Hexen 2, y D'Sparil es otro de los demonios pero que fué destruído por los ejércitos humanos antes que Eidolon y después de Kórax.

QUE ESTAS DICIENDO!!!, D'sparril fue derrotado por Corvus y fue antes de Korax, y fué hace 2000 años antes de los hehcos que ocurrem en Hexen 2, y eso sale en el manual.

Korax invadió el reino humano de Chronos, un mundo regido por 3 grandes poderes:

La Legion, que es el poder militar al mando del Mariscal Zedek, La Iglesia dirigida por el Patriarca Traductus y los Arcanos, magos y hechizeros bajo la tutela de Menelkir el archimago. Estos tipos se vendieron a Korax (por eso los enfrentas en la necropolis), condenando a toda la humanidad a caer bajo el poder de Korax, todos ecepto tres guerreros libres, uno de cada bando: Baratus, Parius y Daedolon. Y coo se sabe estos tres guerreros logran vencer a Korax y restaurar la paz en Chronos.

Al final cuando te pasas el Hexen aparece una pantalla con un tablero de Ajedrez donde tu personaje y Korax son la figuras y una mano esta sujetando la de Korax, una mano roja con largas uñas y pellejosa, no se que piensan ustedes pero yo creo que es la mano de Eidolon.

Korax en accion:

El tablero...

Despues en el Hexen 2 es la misam historia de siempre, Eidolon invade el reino de Thyrion, un mundo que esta dividido en varios continentes cada uno con su propia cultuta, Blackmarsh, Mazaera, Thysis y Septimus. 4 heroes le haran frente a este Serpent Rider, el mas poderoso de todos y evitaran que la oscuridad reine sobre Thyrion.....predecible.

Todo esto sale en el video intro del Hexen 2, cuando instalas el juego y en el manual, aca esta para bajarselo:



Cita de: "Raccoon"Todo esto sale en el video intro del Hexen 2, cuando instalas el juego y en el manual, aca esta para bajarselo:


En el vídeo de la intro del Hexen 2, sólo sale la invasión del mundo por parte de Eidolon.
De hecho, los Golems de Piedra que salen en el vídeo forman parte del ejército de asalto de Eidolon. (Lo dice en el manual original del Hexen 2) Los golems en cuestión era la primera fuerza de asalto encargada de diezmar la principal fuerza de resistencia del ejército enemigo, y arrasar lo máximo posible.

En segundo lugar, si os fijais bién en el manual del Hexen 2, Korax, D'Sparil y Eidolon llegan a nuestra realidad al mismo tiempo. Nada de que D'Sparil llega 2000 años antes. Si te lees el manual del Hexen 2, verás que los tres demonios (Korax, Eidolon y D'Sparil) penetran en nuestro mundo a causa del error de mago con su "barco estelar". A no ser que Eidolon se quedase fumando un pitillo 2000 años, claro.

En cuanto a lo del Maulotaur, quizás esté equivocado, por que yo jugé a una versión (hace muuuucho tiempo) del Heretic que sólo podía jugar los dos primeros episodios.

Aún así, la historia del Heretic, como todos coincidimos, no tiene nada que ver con la del Hexen.

La mano que mueve las fichas del tablero ,yo también coincido en que es la de Eidolon, el más inteligente y poderoso de los tres. Incluso se puede llegar a pensar que Eidolon tenía pensado que Korax pudiese morir, por lo que ya tenía planes para un futuro cercano. Quién sabe...

Descargaros el manual, y leedlo, que lo que digo está al principio del todo.


En la intro del hexen 2 primero sale un viejo escribiendo sobre la historia de los Seprent Riders, hace una pequeña reseña mientras la formas de los jinetes se vislumbran en una esfera de cristal, primero menciona a D'sparril, y dice algo como: Hace muchos años en una tierra ya olvidada....y en el manual que les puse sale textual que lo que paso en el Heretic sucedio hace mas de 2000 años. Luego menciona a Korax y a 3 almas que se aventuraron y desafiaron el poder de Korax. Luego comienza a relatar la invasion de Thyrion por parte de Eidolon.


Bien ..... Los tres Serpent Riders (yo los considere demonios hermanos, pero puedo estar equivocado)

Esto esta extraído directamente del Hexen II :

The Chronicle of Deeds

It was precisely one year ago that Eidolon came to our world of Thyrion. On the evening before his arrival, a rain of fire streamed down from the sky, scorching citizens and buildings alike on the four continents of our fair planet. By dawn the populace was fearful and demoralized, and they fell quickly before the march of Eidolon's vile Golems. The attack was bold and carefully executed. All four continents had fallen by midday: a sad tribute to the withered resistance of our four mighty nations. Even now I am shamed to think of it.

Now, a full year after the conquest, Thyrion still huddles in a state of constant fear and dread. The conquest has ended, and many humans yet survive–but in these times of trouble, life itself is a meager blessing. Eidolon's minions overrun the land and kill its populace for sport. The cleverest humans make themselves unobtrusive, avoiding Eidolon's creatures and attempting little more than to survive. It is under these dreary conditions that I write the manuscript you now hold in your hands.

Legacy of the Serpent Riders

Several hundred years ago, in the time we now call the Age of Dreams, there were rumors of the Serpent Riders. The Serpent Riders were a trio of horrifying demons, wielding powerful magic and commanding vast, formidable armies. They possessed the power to travel from world to world - and everywhere they went, they spread chaos and despair. Their motives were unclear, but their goals were obvious: they wished to possess. That which they could not possess, they strove to destroy. No world was immune, not even our beloved Thyrion.

So went the rumors, but few took heed. Some dismissed them as the ravings of a madman, or as fairy tales told to frighten children. Others disputed the very foundation of the stories, denying the existence of worlds beyond our own. And still others took comfort in obscurity: if other worlds did indeed exist, why should the Serpent Riders trouble themselves with Thyrion?

How naïve, in retrospect, were our great civilizations. The portents were numerous and easily read, but none - not even I, Sage of Mur - gave them more than a cursory glance. And now we have paid for our ignorance, as all that was prophesied has come to pass. The four great continents of our world have been overrun by demonic hordes, their denizens crushed, scattered, and cruelly enslaved.

Our world is, by any measure, utterly lost - and yet I cannot bring myself to believe it. Despite all that I have seen, I assure myself that salvation is yet possible. To this end I write the volume you now see before you. It is a history of the Serpent Riders' assault on our world, and, hopefully, the counterattack that will free us of their dominion.

At present time, the populace has little fuel for hope. None have risen to challenge the dark armies of Eidolon. Still, I continue to maintain my faith. In dreams and visions I have seen a band of unlikely saviors, a defiant flicker in the darkness that cloaks our world. Who these heroes are, I cannot say - but I shall present my visions in the pages of this chronicle.

My visions, in fact, are our only reason for hope. They suggest an end to Eidolon's reign, and the possibility of our world's restoration. Instead of calling this history The Fall of Thyrion, therefore, I have named it The Chronicle of Deeds, after the deeds of unknown warriors that will hopefully save us all. These deeds may never be realized, but I steadfastly maintain that they must - for I shudder to think of the alternative.

- Themedes, Sage of Mur

The Serpent Riders

In ages past, the steppe dwellers of Kazul-Mokh prophesied the coming of Eidolon and his brethren. But to understand their stories, one must first understand their view of the universe.

In the steppe dwellers' eyes, Thyrion is just one of many worlds. The other worlds of our universe appear as stars in the evening sky. By the steppe dwellers' reckoning, there are precisely one thousand worlds besides our own, each appearing a single brilliant star. But this view of the universe posits many questions. What lies between the stars? What holds each world in place?

According to the steppe dwellers, the universe is filled with a clear but viscous gas known as Aether. The Aether is to the universe what water is to the ocean; it holds the stars in place, and fills the void between them. A great crystal sphere encircles the Aether, preventing it from escaping. Beyond this celestial sphere lies darkness: the very darkness we see when the sun sinks below the horizon. This darkness is an uncharted land of powerful demons and evil spirits, each slavering to crush our petty worlds, but prevented by the great crystal barrier.

The steppe dwellers tell of a brilliant magician who, seeking to travel to distant worlds, fashioned a ship of ironwood and silver to journey through the Aether. When the ship was complete he climbed aboard and sailed into the night, just as a mariner would take to the seas. The journey proceeded smoothly for countless days, but then disaster struck: the ship's gossamer sails were torn in a great storm of Aether. Unable to steer or otherwise control his craft, the helpless magician watched his ship glide past the brilliant stars he had hoped to visit. Closer and closer loomed the celestial sphere, and the darkness beyond; the magician watched it approach with a mixture of dread and fascination.

Finally, the magical ship collided with the barrier. The vessel's silver prow punctured the crystal sphere and cracked it open, allowing a trio of demons from the darkness beyond to slip into our universe. Horrified at the tragedy he had caused, the magician worked a final, mighty spell to close the rift, exchanging his life for the power to seal the cosmic barrier. He died quietly in the darkness between worlds, wondering if our universe would survive the terror he had unleashed. He would never know the answer, and neither, yet, do we.

So goes the story. Whether truth or fiction, it remains our best guess as to the origin of the Serpent Riders. Many have dismissed this tale as mere superstition, but I choose to believe it. Why? Just as the steppe dwellers foretold the arrival of the Serpent Riders, they also foretold the trio's demise. For this reason alone, I fervently hope their prophecies are correct.

D'Sparil (Heretic)

According to the texts of Yavenar the Astromancer, the Serpent Riders' first attack occurred two thousand years ago, on a remote world whose name is forever lost. This world was a place of dense population and seven mighty nations. The Serpent Riders subjugated the world's seven great leaders by trickery and guile, for they had not yet attained their full power in this universe, and could not crush the world through forthright aggression. One by one the nations fell, as if by clockwork; their corruption and decayed traditions had left them vulnerable to the Serpent Riders' deception.

When the seven great nations had been subverted, they were left to fight amongst themselves. D'Sparil, the youngest and weakest of the Serpent Riders, was left behind to act as puppeteer. He gleefully pulled the strings of each nation, pitting former allies against each other, and sending peaceful nations to battle. He planned to continue this cruel game until every nation had collapsed under the weight of war and famine. The two elders, meanwhile, departed. It was their intention to wreak havoc in new and unsuspecting worlds.

Only the Sidhe, a race of heretical elves hiding in the secret places of the world, were left untouched by the Serpent Riders' poison. Recognizing the threat to their world, the Sidhe elders contrived a mighty spell that crushed the greatest of the Serpent Riders' armies, leaving behind only a fraction of the mighty horde. But D'Sparil, sensing the source of the magic, retaliated with a storm of pure energy that killed the elders to a man.

In the wake of this great magical battle, with the world apparently withered beyond salvation, a single nameless Sidhe assaulted D'Sparil's stronghold: The City of the Damned. Using the Sidhe elders' Tomes of Power, mighty artifacts that enhanced the properties of his weapons, this lone elf scored an improbable victory against the forces of evil. D'Sparil was crushed and his minions killed or scattered. Though merely a shadow of its former self, the world was finally free of the Serpent Riders' poisonous influence.

Korax (Hexen)

The next target of the Serpent Riders' wrath was Cronos, a populous human world. Cronos was a land of unification and oppression, where all of humanity bowed to the triumvirate of Legion, Arcanum, and Church. These three institutions controlled every aspect of Cronos, each exerting power over a meticulously defined sphere of influence. As such, Cronos was both disciplined and fragile: by subverting the leaders of these three institutions, the Serpent Riders instantly gained control of the entire world. Zedek, Marshal of the Legion, Traductus, Grand Patriarch of the Church, and Menelkir, Arch-Mage of the Arcanum succumbed quickly to the Serpent Riders' promises of immortal life.

As before, a single Serpent Rider was left behind once the world was largely enslaved. This time it was Korax, the second most powerful Serpent Rider.

On Cronos there was no such thing as the Sidhe, no secret conclave to expunge Korax's grand army. But there were three brave souls who fought against Korax's might: Baratus of the Legion, Parius of the Church, and Daedolon of the Arcanum. Together, these three adventurers fought their way through the twisted realms of Cronos, ultimately defeating the chitinous horror that was Korax. Their victory marked a grand day for all of humanity, once again signaling the vulnerability of the dreaded Serpent Riders.

Eidolon (Hexen II)

Eidolon's power is immense, his grip on our world absolute. Some citizens believe his hellish reign must come to an end, and look to the improbable victories against D'Sparil and Korax for inspiration. But for most, the future is uncompromisingly bleak. Eidolon, the oldest and strongest of the Serpent Riders, is reputedly many times more powerful than his vile brethren. He is certainly aware of the weaknesses that led to the downfall of D'Sparil and Korax, and will do his best to guard himself against similar circumstances. Indeed, he has already taken such measures: in addition to his own troops, he has surrounded himself with the remnants of Korax's and D'Sparil's broken armies.

The task at hand is formidable. Whoever challenges Eidolon must destroy his minions on all four continents, then challenge Eidolon himself within his ebon stronghold. The dangers are great, from beginning to end. The dank jungles of Mazaera seethe with giant Scorpions and Spiders, while the pyramids of Thysis are replete with Mummies and dreaded Stone Golems. No less formidable are the horrors lurking in the ruined cities of Septimus, or behind the crenelated walls of Blackmarsh.

Despite all these travails, there is yet another peril: the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, who serve Eidolon as generals. Each governs one of the four great nations, and each must be defeated to end Eidolon's infernal dominion. Can any hero, however powerful, face all these perils and emerge victorious? Only time will tell.

Vamos como decia en un principio :
Heretic --> D'Sparil (en el Ep 3 te enfrentas a él)
Hexen --> Korax
Hexen II --> Eidolon  --- Hexen II Portal of Praveus --> Un mago llamado Praveus intenta resucitar a Eidolon

Heretic II --> Algo sobre una plaga ... Corvus vuelve a ser el protagonista.

Y esto proviene del Heretic II

The Coming of D'Sparil.

Ages ago, when Parthoris existed in relative peace, five races walked the land. The Seraphs had withdrawn beyond the Worlds End Mountains. Each race built great cities, temples, and centers of wisdom from the knowledge that the great Seraphs left in the wake of their passing. But the Seraphs left behind more than their wisdom when they removed themselves from the affairs of Parthoris. Their passing left the young races vulnerable to the powers of the Outer Worlds.

It is said that the Seraphs foresaw the coming of D'sparil, but if this is true they did nothing to intervene.

As the five races settled into their destined roles, three majestic demon brothers began to formulate a plan of conquest of three different inner worlds. D'sparil, having watched the passing of the great Seraphs, prepared his armies to sweep across Parthoris.

On the Day of Darkness, D'sparil opened World Ripples in each of the great cities of Parthoris. Andoria, K'chekrik, S'chekrik, Vendra, Savria, Thurge, Biskol, and Silverspring. He marched his armies into these cities, and by nightfall each was under his iron rule. Only Silverspring managed to resist his conquest for a short time. The Celestial Watcher had the night before seen a change in the star patterns which allowed Silverspring to prepare for the coming doom. Most fled the city and hid in the Darkmire swamps and the Kell Mountains.

As D'sparil began the second phase of his conquest, the four races that had fallen to his might on the Day of Darkness were subjected to the powerful charisma of D'sparil's presence. Over time, they succumbed to his will and freely chose D'sparil as the rightful ruler of Parthoris.

D'sparil reigned supreme, until a hero arose to combat his evil.

The Heretic

Huddled in the occupied streets of Silverspring, now called the City of the Damned, a young Sidhe began to unlock the mysteries of the lost artifacts of the Seraphs. He unearthed an ancient magic wand that the Seraphs had made as a gift to the first Celestial Watcher. Its power was limited, but it was enough to allow Corvus to start fighting back against D'sparil's minions.

As news of Corvus's defiance traveled across Parthoris, he was dubbed the Heretic. He did not conform to the laws of D'sparil. He fought back against the ravaging hoards of the demonic armies. He openly defied D'sparil's power.

Corvus traveled from city to city looking for D'sparil's stronghold. He fought the legions with every step of his journey, but his search uncovered more than just D'sparil. He found caches of the Seraph's lost magic, including one of the famed Tomes of Power. Using the newly unearthed artifacts, Corvus attacked D'sparil's stronghold on the ocean floor with renewed vigor.

Face to face in D'sparil's domed city, Corvus and D'sparil pummeled each other, blow after blow. Even with his serpent slain, D'sparil still came at Corvus with all of his demonic fury, but in the end it was a final blow from the Phoenix Rod that caused D'sparil to erupt into a conflagration of fury, fueled by the oppression of Parthoris.

D'sparil cried out in anguish as his robes and flesh were seared from his bones. With is dying breath, he cried out a curse that set into motion Corvus's fate.

The Outer Worlds

D'sparil was defeated. Corvus stepped through the world ripple expecting to cross over into Silverspring. As he crossed through the dimensional portal, he discovered the full meaning of D'sparil's curse. He was trapped in the Outer Worlds with no apparent means of returning home.

For years he wandered among the seemingly infinite landscapes that make up the Outer Worlds. Each new world was more desolate and alien than the last. He learned that D'sparil had two brothers that had laid plans to conquer other worlds, and as he traveled across the barren landscapes Corvus became increasingly aware of how widespread the taint of the Serpent Riders really was. Most of D'sparil's army had been composed of creatures that were the twisted remnants of once normal civilizations, and he heard tales of the Serpent Riders using mass enslavement to bulk up the ranks of their armies. Corvus did not know where the other two Serpent Riders traveled to, but he hoped that these unfortunate worlds were more successful at stopping the demons than his people had been.

The only relics Corvus managed to retain were his fighting staff and the Tome of Power that I have imbued my essence into. All of his other weapons were rendered inert and useless. The knowledge contained in my pages became his most valued possession. I had lost most of my power after the battle with D'sparil, but I was able to refocus my energy slowly during the course of our travels. Eventually, I was able to reveal my presence to Corvus. I guided him, and eventually related the story of my creation.

Ages ago I was a Seraph, but I, along with my seven sisters, was given the honor of becoming one with the seven Tomes of Power. Each of the Tomes carried different pieces of our knowledge. Our greatest seers had foreseen our departure from the affairs of Parthoris and we knew the necessity of maintaining the wisdom of our race. The seven Tomes were created, infused with our life force, and then they were given to our cousins, the Sidhe.

A Way Home

Years of wandering the Outer Worlds hardened Corvus. Alone in the alien worlds, Corvus was forced to fight for his life with the only weapon that he had, his staff. He fashioned it into a pole arm of sorts by lashing a blade to one end. I began to teach him about the lost magic of the Seraphs. It was only after years of practice that he gained mastery of the magical foundations that I taught him. With this education, Corvus will be able to quickly learn and use most any spell based upon our tradition of magic.

Decades past before I stumbled upon a means for us to return home. Corvus was engaged in a fierce battle with a demon when I felt the opening of a nearby World Ripple. This Ripple felt different than any of the others that we had traveled through, I could feel the faint call of my sister Tomes from the other side of the ripple. They cried out in pain, for they were being used for powerful magic. The ripple was a means home.

Using the other Tomes as a beacon, I guided Corvus to the ripple. As he stepped through, I was confident that our search was, at long last, over.

Posiblemente lo de los "Outers Worlds" tenga que ver con los 2 episodios extra del Heretic despues de la muerte de D'Sparil. En "A Way to Home" relatan como al final consiguio volver a su mundo natal.

Espero que esto deje mas o menos zanjado el tema....
Me temo que yo también tengo blog : http://zardoz.es/



Rayos! Jamáz pensé que Heretic y Hexen hayan sido tán complicados. Incluso más que Doom  :cry: .No obstante esto los hace más interesantes
tendré que conseguirme Hexen II y Heretic II para seguir la trama.
                   Fire Away Peruvian Style!