BuildGDX - 1.15

Iniciado por BOT69, Diciembre 22, 2019, 03:30:34 AM

Tema anterior - Siguiente tema


Bueno, en vista de que el Port dejó de ser sólo de Blood, pongo este tema en su lugar.
Cita de: Changelogv1.15 (17 August 2020)
   NAM support
   Maphack support
   Cryptic Passage/User Addons crash fix
   Cutscenes are skipped by press the ESC key only

v1.14 (26 July 2020)
   Palette emulation feature
   Software renderer mouse buttons 4-5 fixed
   Glow textures fixed
   Statistics in the overheadmap has been moved down like in 3dview
   Resetting inventory bug fixed
   Multiply "nocapinmyass" fixed
   Version v0.99 protect (BloodGDX doesn't support it)
   Demofiles with wrong version don't show in a user content
   Keys don't disappear  after death in multiplayer
   Underwater texturetint
   DevComments fixed
   Crash fixes
   Intro sound doesn't stop after skipping
   Flamethrower idle animation disabled
   Next/prev weapon feature
   Decorations and item sprites shade fixed

v1.13 (24 June 2020)
   Parsing files with { and } in filename fixed
   Incompatible save will now load a map from the save file
   HUD scale added
   Beasts sounds fixed
   Extra option for tilefromtexture token fixed
   Powerup timer now resets when powerup is picked up again
   Legacy DukeTalk precache fixed
   If addon has a custom intro cutscene, it will be played at episode start
   Cooperative checkhitsprite with friendlyfire fixed
   Fireflies spawning in dukematch fixed
   Weapons can now be switched before being fully raised
   Powerup timer indicator added
   Improved aiming
   8 Track player added
   Shuffle music option added
   Dead cows blocking shots fixed
   Weapons can now be switched before being fully raised
   If addon has a custom intro cutscene, it will be played at episode start
   Double UZI holster crash fixed
   DoSkullBeginDeath and DoBettyBeginDeath crash fixed
   (WT) Sumo boss not spawning on Skyscraper level fixed
   (WT) Floor aligned pickups fixed

v1.12b (14 June 2020)
   Single core CPU low performance fixed
   Software renderer drawsprite fixed
   tilefromtexture surfaces support
   Palette load fixed (Initialization crash)

v1.12 (13 June 2020)
   Music looping support added
   Incorrect voxels offests in software fixed
   Numerous animatons fixes
   Darts option
   Disable Hornets option
   Infinite ammo cheat (swinfinityammo)
   EvilBunny attack animation fix (original bug)
   TiltLeft/Right feature
   Jetpack cheat feature
   Show opponent weapon feature
   Underwater changepalette freeze fixed
   Dukematch (nospawn) mode friendly fire fixed
   Cops won't attack you if you visited men's toilet on SUBWAY0
   Palette fade in software renderer fixed
   Enemies' pickaxes and halberds can now be picked
   Dynamic music for WH2
   Enchanted weapons sound loop fixed
   Numerous maps fixes
   Custom campaigns support

v1.11 (3 June 2020)
   low performance near walls that use sky texture fixed
   screen dimming after deleting a save in software fixed
   underwater reverb after exiting a level fixed
   lots of crash fixes

   crash when dying with open inventory fixed
   added sound for the girls
   flashbang now makes everything go white
   autoaim can be changed in SP without restarting a map
   fixed submerging with crouch toggle button
   invisible key on Crazy Train (TD) fixed
   unreachable secret on Warehouse (TD) fixed
   unreachable secret on Military Base (WD) fixed
   medium HUD added
   auto switch weapons on pickup option added

   wrong voxels offsets fixed
   added definefileid/rffdefineid def token
   improved aim

   grenade throwing with power up fixed
   sector lighting not affecting sprites fixed
   damage after jumping over lava fixed

Duke 3DGDX:
   medium HUD added

   CD audio now works

v1.10 (24 May 2020)
   1. Railgun noice sound fix
   2. Multiplayer kills update fix
   3. Underwater crouchtoggle
   4. Last load saved game question
   5. Spicial_Fire Sound
   6. Reverb after finish a level fix
   7. ViewCamera in software renderer fix
   8. Armor display to the minimal HUD
   9. HRP tint
   10. Savegame version increased
   11. Crash fixes

v1.09 (21 May 2020)
   1. New voxels algorithm drawing
   2. Shadow Warrior support (WangGDX)
   3. PowerslaveGDX random demo crash fixed
   4. The Launcher GUI is redesigned

v1.08 (1 April 2020)
1. BuildGDX:
   FOV isn't resseting to 90 if it's bigger than 130

2. BloodGDX:
   Powerup timer
   Typing font has been changed to look like as in the original game
   WH2 support
   Polymost renderer bright tweak
   Spells that you don't have, won't show in HUD
   Added player's inertia
   Activated rings and powerups are showing in HUD
   AI flee movement improved

4. DukeGDX:
   Gamepad aiming speed increased
   Twentieth Anniversary World Tour support
   Random weapon switching fixed
   Improved the official addons searching algorithm
   Software gamma resseting fixed

5. TekwarGDX:
   Cue CDTracks support (ogg music)
   Cutscenes skipping fix
   Added menu mouse cursor size
   Button-searching algorithm improved (easier to push buttons)

6. RedneckGDX:
   RRRA / RR Psychoskill fix (respawn monsters and vermins left: N\A)
   Moonshine icon disappears after using if nothing in inventory
   Gamepad aiming speed increased
   RRRA Statistics screen fix
   Software gamma resseting fixed

7. PowerslaveGDX:
   Gamepad aiming speed increased
   Free grenade overflow fix
   ThrowGrenade fix option
   Wasp sound option
   Weapon powerup flickering normalize
   Rats avoid water, spiders don't drown

   MusicType isn't resseting to midi
   clipmove( crash fixed
   Fixed the crash when you open a loadgame menu in software render. (Software.qinterpolatedown16short(
   Exits on the map will show if it's enabled in the menu (green sectors). The right (map+1) exit will be flickering
   Gamepad invertion, move speed fix
   Projectils spam is switchable

v1.07 (21 February 2020)
1. Legend of the Seven Paladins support
2. BuildGDX
   1. Main window frame rearchitecture (to support Android, Lwjgl2, Lwjgl3)
   2. Software renderer drawalls ( fixed
   3. New file handling code
   4. MenuFileBrowser improved
3. PowerslaveGDX
   1. Official demo support
   2. Subtitle toggle
   3. User Addons support (in a folder or zip archive)
   4. Enemy roar sound frequency increased
   5. The map will be shown before starting the first level
   6. Skipping intro will skip to Skullhead instead of the main menu
   7. Publisher logo has been changed to PIE
    8. Shadows type toggle (circular/projected) 
4. RedneckGDX
   1. Ending cutscenes background color fixed
   2. Statistics text scale fixed
   3. External and midi music options have been removed
   4. Alcohol green indicator fixed
   5. RR66 addon episodes selection fixed
5. DukeGDX
    1. Official addons submenu in the episode selection menu

v1.06 (20 December 2019)
1. BuildGDX
   1. Software some crashes fixed
   2. ViewToTile optimization
   3. FOV increased to 140
   4. (5 : 4) resolutions support
   5. loadPic crash fixed
2. PowerslaveGDX
    1. FuncPlayer "ERROR in Ken's linked list!" fixed
    2. FuncScorp crashes fixed
    3.GrabMap pickup fixed
    4. Subtitles to intro movie added
    5. Grenade bug fixes
3. BloodGDX
   1. ROR distorsion sound fix
   2. actDamageSprite lifeleech fix
   3. Spiders autoaim
   4. Crash fixes
4. RedneckGDX
   1. Lose weapons going from Sunny Shores to Gamblin Boat is fixed
5. WitchavenGDX
   1. Enemy selfdamage don't affect to player health

v1.05 (13 December 2019)
1. Powerslave/Exhumed game
2. Polymost floor background fix
3. Sprite's texture loading algorithm has been changed
4. Other BuildGDX minor changes

v1.04 (13 September 2019)
1. BuildGdx has been updated to Libgdx 1.9.10
2. Software renderer
3. New renderer settings, switchable renderers
4. Sounds update thread tweaked (fixed Duke's and RR's sound looping issue)
5. Resolution empty list when the game starts without launcher fix
6. New filecache system (not affecting the games)
7. New precache loading screen
8. Defscript tilefromtexture
9. The launcher is forcing portable mode if the "portable" file found
10. Loading config file at Linux has been fixed
11. Game thread timer fix (game speed is stable now)
12. Gamepad uses JInput library now
13. Polymost sprite depth tweak (issue at the RRRA E1M1)
14. Mipmaps doesn't load with nearest filters now
15. Menu_cancel joy's key can close the menu now
16. Config file has own version, older configs will be renamed to .bak
17. New internal resources format (Widescreen tiles, mouse cursor etc.)
18. HRP md3 models loading fix
19. Autoload is looking for gamename.def files instead of zipname.def
20. BloodGdx:
   1. SEQ tiles support has been increased to 32767 tiles
   2. The latest queue's event after load game fix
   3. Cutscenes searching algorithm tweak - it supports absolute file paths now.
   4. CrouchToggle button tweak
   5. ROR sound distorsion fix
   6. Player can pickup weapons and items with infinity ammo cheat
   7. Some crash fixes and NoOne's code
21. DukeGdx:
   1. DukeGdx can play an original demos now
   2. CrouchToggle button tweak
   3. Cutscenes skip message's font tweak
22. RedneckGdx:
   1. Gamblin' Boat's (RRRA E2M2) button issue has been fixed
   2. CrouchToggle button tweak
   3. Cutscenes skip message's font tweak
   4. RRRA intro movie is almost supporting
   5. Console text scale support
   6. Motorcycle and boat the lookaround feature has been returned
23. TekwarGdx: You can skip the intro cutscenes now


v1.03 (17 May 2019)
1. Gamepad sensitivity increased
2. Fps limit increased
3. Gamepad menu keys tweak
4. Updatable file browser
5. Config's file settings sorted
6. Hires textures load fix
7. BloodGdx v0.952
   7.1. Custom difficulty fix
   7.2. Gamepad running fix
   7.3. CrouchMode tweak
   7.4. Akimbo powerup will save in next level when vanilla mode in enabled
   7.5. CrystallBall in addons crash fix
   7.6. Crash fixes
8. DukeGdx and RedneckGdx v1.01
   8.1.Invert mouse fix
   8.2.CONfile extract requiring is disabled
   8.3.Addon like game.con save fix
   8.4.Crash fixes
9. TekwarGdx v0.951
   9.1. Turn speed fix

v1.02 (24 April 2019)
1. Crash fixes
2. Improved interpolation in multiplayer
3. Improved check addons algorithm in multiplayer (BloodGdx, DukeGdx, RedneckGdx)
4. BuildGdx has a version number now (current is 19.04)
5. DukeGdx v1.00
6. RedneckGdx v1.00
   6-1. Weapon drop after dead in multiplayer fixed
   6-2. RRRA E1L1 destruct wall in secret place fixed
   6-3. Moving door after load game fixed
   6-4. Quick pee don't resurrect the player anymore
   6-5. FakeBubba after load game fixed
   6-6. Added end cutscene in RRRA
7. TekwarGdx
   7.1 - Added extra cutscenes to intro
8. BloodGdx
   8-1. Shareware version supported
   8-2. Gamepad keys saving fix
   8-3. CutsceneA in 4th episode fix

v1.01 (29 March 2019)
1. BuildFont draw non-standart symbols crash fix
2. BloodGDX v0.950
    2-1. Load zip UserEpisodes in subfolders fix
    2-2. SlopeTilt reset after load game fix
    2-3. HiRes texture rescaling fix
    2-4. Def "mainmenu" music script can use midi
    2-5. Custom voxels rotate fix
    2-6. Enemies shadow orientation fix
    2-7. Palette exception for cultists in color xsectors
    2-8. Sprites drawing behind mirror fix
3. WitchavenGDX v0.951
   3-1. Def-script loading fix

v1.00 (16 March 2019)
1. Smacker SMK4 file format support
2. You can choose soundfont (sf2 or dls) in game settings
3. Config file format changed (
4. TekwarGDX v0.950
   4-1. Mouse in menu
   4-2. Cutscenes have sounds now
   4-3. New game loop
   4-4. New OpenAL version 1.18.1 with resampler filter
   4-5. Libgdx framwork updated to 1.9.8
        4-6. Load/Save slots increased to 9999
   4-7. Load/Save game delete feature
   4-8. Overhead map settings: full only, overlay only, full and overlay
   4-9. Damage/Pickup effect tweak
   4-10. Pause key stopping music and sounds now
   4-11. New screenshots filename
   4-12. New gamepad controlles handler by aybe
   4-13. New keyboard setup menu, reset to classic keys and default "wsad" keys
5. WitchavenGDX v0.950
   5-1. Pause key stopping music and sounds now
   5-2. Damage/Pickup effect tweak
   5-3. Fps text scale in Interface menu
   5-4. Joystick menu position fix
   5-5. Cutscenes have sounds now
   5-6. Victory screen with sounds now
   5-7. Menu has music and sounds
   5-8. Add keys on each potions
   5-9. HUD and crosshair scale
   5-10. Color correction save fix
   5-11. Midi music fix


Jamas esperaba que le pusieran soporte para ese FPS raro chino hecho con BUILD.
Citar1. Legend of the Seven Paladins support

2. BuildGDX
    1. Main window frame rearchitecture (to support Android, Lwjgl2, Lwjgl3)
    2. Software renderer drawalls ( fixed
    3. New file handling code
    4. MenuFileBrowser improved

3. PowerslaveGDX
    1. Official demo support
    2. Subtitles toggle
    3. User addons support (in a folder or zip archive)
    4. Enemy roar sound frequency increased
    5. The map will be shown before starting the first level
    6. Skipping intro will skip to Skullhead instead of the main menu
    7. Publisher logo changed to PIE
    8. Shadows type toggle (circular/projected)

4. RedneckGDX
    1. Ending cutscenes background color fixed
    2. Statistics text scale fixed
    3. External and midi music options have been removed
    4. Alcohol green indicator fixed
    5. RR66 addon episodes selection fixed

5. DukeGDX
    1. Official addons submenu in the episode selection menu



Otra actualización, ahora con Shadow Warrior.
Tiene soporte para las expansiones.


Eduke32 tambiém hay lanzado voidsw_beta acoplado a su release, para shadow warrior


Cita de: npo33770 en Mayo 23, 2020, 09:27:39 PM
Eduke32 tambiém hay lanzado voidsw_beta acoplado a su release, para shadow warrior

Si, después de leerte me he ido a los foros oficiales y también lo he visto...

Sin embargo me he descargado el último código, lo he compilado y nada... también he mirado en los MAKEFILE y documentación y no veo ninguna referencia....

como cojones consigo el binario para el shadow warrior? :S

*-Editado: he visto que hay codigo fuente en "source" del shadow warrior, pero no se donde linkarlo para compilar
"Las ideas son más poderosas que las armas. Si no permitimos a nuestros enemigos tener armas; ¿Porqué ibamos a permitirles tener ideas?" (Stalin)


Ya han arreglado el centrado de los voxels en el renderizador clásico.