Ya esta disponible SIGIL

Iniciado por Mangetsu, Mayo 31, 2019, 02:41:57 PM

Tema anterior - Siguiente tema



Lo dicho, el MegaWAD de Romero ya salio.

Es sorprendente que solo sea 3,1MB.


Los mapas siguen el estilo de los otros episodios, aunque algo sobre detallados.
Quizás es algo oscuro (no se ve una mierda), pero me parece un buen wad, y la música no se queda corta.


Como lo jugaste con musica, compraste la edicion con la que viene?

A ver si alguien la comparte.


Cita de: Mangetsu en Mayo 31, 2019, 10:16:11 PM
Como lo jugaste con musica, compraste la edicion con la que viene?

A ver si alguien la comparte.
Yo no he comprado nada.
La versión gratuita viene con midi (por James Paddock), a ésa me estoy refiriendo.


Cita de: Mangetsu en Mayo 31, 2019, 10:16:11 PM
Como lo jugaste con musica, compraste la edicion con la que viene?

A ver si alguien la comparte.

Disculparán todos el autobombo... Pero he subido la versión completa de SIGIL con música de Buckethead en mi página:


Visita mi blog sobre Android y Linux:



Cita de: Moktar en Mayo 31, 2019, 11:44:41 PM
Cita de: Mangetsu en Mayo 31, 2019, 10:16:11 PM
Como lo jugaste con musica, compraste la edicion con la que viene?

A ver si alguien la comparte.

Disculparán todos el autobombo... Pero he subido la versión completa de SIGIL con música de Buckethead en mi página:


NOOOOOOOOOOO QUE HICISTE?? Iniciaras otra gran guerra entre doomworld y arcadas... NOOO
:O -> https://sh33p.neocities.org/<-
Cualquier comentario(mío) generado en este sitio es pura ficción y no representa mi punto de vista.


Me lo he pasado con las dos bandas sonoras, gracias a Moktar.
Las dos están bastante bien, y el wad. Por cierto, la versión de pago es la 1.0 mientras que la free es la 1.1.

Cita de: ChangelogChanges made in order to patch Sigil.wad and Sigil_compat.wad
Made by Flambeau with the help of Keyboard_Doomer and Dew

- map4:
   Eye switches:

   Changed the actions on the lines, swapped the back line to raise wall and the front line to open the door. That way the maps can't break.
      Eye 1;
      Changed linedef 2070 from "action 46 and tag 21" to "action 24 and tag 45"
      Changed linedef 3910 from "action 24 and tag 45" to "action 46 and tag 21"
      Eye 2;
      Changed linedef 3912 from "action 24 and tag 46" to "action 47 and tag 13"
      Changed linedef 1362 from "action 47 and tag 13" to "action 24 and tag 46"


   Changed flags on the following items, because they are in an unreachable place in Singleplay mode, but don't have the MultiPlayer only flag.
   (meaning these can't be reached and no 100% items possible)

      Health bonus Thing 185 - 196 Enabled Multiplayer Flag

- map5:
   Eye switches:

   Changed the actions on the lines, swapped the back line to raise wall and the front line to open the door. That way the maps can't break.
      Eye 1;
      Changed linedef 286  from "action 46 and tag 4"  to "action 24 and tag 35"
      Changed linedef 2352 from "action 24 and tag 35" to "action 46 and tag 4"

- map6:
   Red key part blocking fix:

   Changed the 2 action lines that will block the left part leading to red key and opening right part of map at start room.
   It would be possible to break the map in Multiplayer if a player dies between the 2 lines, so leaving the red key map part unreachable for
   other players, and the right part of map not being opened.
      Swapped the action on the 2 lines that control this mechanics, so first the right part of map will be opened and then the left part will be closed.
      This prevents the map to break in Multiplayer, but doesn't change how the map progress is.

      Changed linedef 784 from  "action 5 and tag 10" to "action 38 and tag 36"
      Changed linedef 3505 from "action 38 and tag 36" to "action 5 and tag 10"

- map7:

   Changed flags on the following items, because they are in an unreachable place in Singleplay mode, but don't have the MultiPlayer only flag.
   (meaning these can't be reached and no 100% items possible)

      Soulsphere Thing 334 Enabled Multiplayer Flag
      Beserk Thing 335 Enabled Multiplayer Flag
      Armor bonus Thing 350 - 354 Enabled Multiplayer Flag
      Health bonus Thing 355 - 359 Enabled Multiplayer Flag

   Red door part - hell pit room fixes:

   There is the sector (198) with the wall lowering and later closing the hellpit room again. There is a missing texture and also the mechanics of the trap
   will lock the player out when he will fall of the edge later, after activating the closing of this sector by activating linedef 2810 but before opening
   it again with linedef 2927. This will result in the player being unable to finish the map, thus map will break cause of this. I came with a way to prevent
   this, but remaining the mechanics of the trap.

      Missing texture;
      linedef 1195 front sidedef 1856 uppertexture wood5 added

      sector 198;
      Floor lowered to height 152 and ceiling lowered down to height 152.
      changed the action on linedef 5295 to action 86 (WR door open stay).

- map8:

   Eye switches:

   Changed the actions on the lines, swapped the back line to raise wall and the front line to open the door. That way the maps can't break.
      Eye 1;
      Changed linedef 337 from "action 46 and tag 3" to "action 24 and tag 27"
      Changed linedef 2104 from "action 24 and tag 27" to "action 46 and tag 3"
      Eye 2;
      Changed linedef 14 from "action 46 and tag 1" to "action 24 and tag 2"
      Changed linedef 1362 from "action 24 and tag 2" to "action 46 and tag 1"

   Fix in startroom:

   Changed the linedef property of the startroom grate (in front of eye) so player can't walk in and lock itself in when the wall raises. This cause the map to break.
   Linedef property:
      Linedef 339;
      Enabled the "impassable" flag

   Spider Mastermind:

   In Sigil_compat.wad Episode3 gets replaced. The Spider Mastermind will still count as a boss in E3M8. In order to prevent the map to finish direct after the
   Spider Mastermind is killed, we made an addition to DeHacked. This change will remove the boss special from the Spider Mastermind.
   This will not be an issue in Sigil.wad because it runs as Episode5

      Dehacked addition;

      Pointer 347 (Frame 631)
      Codep Frame = 0

- map9:

   Firestick cages:

   Changed the linedef property of the firestick cages of the blue skull room. You could walk trough the grate on all 3 Firesticks
   Linedef Property;
      Linedef 1264 Enabled the "impassable" flag
      Linedef 1269 Enabled the "impassable" flag
      Linedef 1274 Enabled the "impassable" flag

- Intermission screen fix: (Sigil_compat.wad only)

   Inserted transparent sprites for the "You are here" and arrows for Sigil_compat.wad
   Because of the replacing of E3 the engine will use the intermission map with the pointing of "you are here". Since there is no intermission map for Sigil, but only an
   Intermission texture, it made the arrow be placed on the Interpic during intermission. With no Intermission map being made, choice fell on making the hardcoded arrow
   and text transparent.
      Edited WIURH0 / WIURH1 / WISPLAT and added them into sigil_compat_patch.wad
      See attached wad for them.

- ZDaemon sky fix: (Sigil.wad only)

   Added a ZDaemon-compatible (shorter) sky for use in mapinfo (see attached wad;
   just copy the updated TEXTURE1/TEXTURE2/PNAMES as well as the new SKY5_ZD patch)

- Mapinfo: (Sigil.wad only)

   Created a mapinfo (old format) for Sigil.wad
   Source ports that don't support zmapinfo but do support mapinfo will be able to run Sigil now as episode 5 and don't require the use of Episode 3 replacing Sigil_compat.wad