Nightdive x Blood

Iniciado por BOT69, Diciembre 07, 2018, 05:11:45 PM

Tema anterior - Siguiente tema


Creo que hicieron algo como:

Bueno, ya tenemos lo esencial, que es que se ejecuta y se mueve.
Lo publicamos ahora y luego vamos arreglandolo, ajustandolo, etc.

Vamos, ya han empezado a arreglar cosas, pero creo que se han apresurado demasiado con tratar de publicarlo.
Por lo que he estado leyendo, Night Dive está metido en varias cosas a la vez, por eso ha salido así de apresurado.


Si haces mario en la consola, en vez del truco te sale ''Not yet implemented...''.

Se nota que les queda mucho por parchear.


Ayer estuve jugando online un rato largo y, si bien en general funciona jugable y divertido, note algun que otro error.
Por ejemplo en el mapa BB8 (el del estadio) los maletines medicos, estan hundidos en el suelo y en BB1, donde esta ese pasadizo que conecta la parte donde esta el arma tesla (ese hueco donde esta la puerta giratoria) con la otra, una vez que se abre ese pasadizo, no lo pude volver a cerrar. Tambien en BB1, usando las botas, no llega con el salto a las ventanas blancas secretas.

Otra cosa que no me gusta es que si se te acaban las municiones del arma que estas utilizando, me selecciona el tridente cuando en realidad tengo otras armas, eso es bastante malo.

Un par de veces se me cerro el juego de manera repentina y con un msj de error interno de la aplicacion, no recuerdo ahora que decia, que la unica forma de cerrarlo es matar el proceso del juego. Este mismo error ocurre si estoy en una partida online, voy al menu y selecciono "Salir" para volver al menu principal, fuera del multiplayer, ahi revienta del mismo modo.

Y el PEOR error fue que estaba en plena partida (yo era el Host) en un momento entra un nuevo jugador (ya habia un par dentro) y en ese momento duplica mi jugador; es decir, yo estaba con 10 frags y de repente aparezco como otro jugador mas, un duplicado mio pero con -1 frags y me teletransporta a una ubicacion cualquiera, semi enterrado y no puedo moverme mas, sin embargo simular moverse como si caminara y seguia juntando items y armas (las cuales las podia cargar) pero tiraba un misil o una dinamita y desaparecia. Pense que fue un error en esa partida, sin embargo no dejo de ocurrir, cree otras partidas, reinicie el juego, reinicie Steam, verifique los archivos del juego, y no dejaba de ocurrir lo mismo una y otra vez, cada ves que entraba un nuevo jugador, pasaba eso. La unica solucion fue desintalar el juego y instalarlo nuevamente.

Algo que no me gusta de esta version, son los elevadisimos requisitos tecnicos que pide para lo que es. Lo juego sin drama en mi pc principal, pero no funciona en ninguna con procesadores o S.O. de 32 bits, si o si tiene que ser 64 bits y un hardaware potente, una ridiculez. En eso BloodGDX es muuuucho mejor, anda bien en pc viejas y de gama media y multiplataforma, tanto en Mac, Linux y Windows me funciona barbaro.
En contraste, lo bueno de Fresh Supply son los Host publicos para partidas Online, que cualquiera que busque jugar vea tu partida y se pueda integrar en cualquier momento, si BloodGDX implementara eso seria genial!!


Los requisitos son lo de menos, hoy en dia todo el mundo se paso a 64 bits.

Vamos que en realidad los errores es lo que me hace pasar de esta version hasta que lo parcheen.


Cita de: Mangetsu en Mayo 17, 2019, 04:18:26 PM
Los requisitos son lo de menos, hoy en dia todo el mundo se paso a 64 bits.

Vamos que en realidad los errores es lo que me hace pasar de esta version hasta que lo parcheen.

Si es verdad que hoy en dia no son gran cosa, pero si lo son para lo que es el juego, eso denota que no esta optimizado. Ademas que, si bien tengo mi pc principal para juegos, tengo muchas otras viejitas que me fueron quedando para hacer partidas LAN ni siquiera se puede ejecutar. En cambio con BloodGDX puedo ejecutarlo en PC de mas de 10 años. Aunque tambien espero mas que nada el arreglo de los bugs.


Cita de: Mangetsu en Mayo 10, 2019, 06:54:08 PM
Habeis jugado en Vulkan mode?

Yo ni tengo tiempo de probarlo, pero requiere los ultimos drivers de Nvidia antes de correr dios sabe por que.

Yo lo probé en sus tiempos y me petaba. Desde entonces lo han parcheado y parece que funciona. No noto ninguna diferencia en Linux o freeBSD respecto a usar DirectX o Vulkan. Quizá alguien que use Windows y sea más sensibles a cosas como FPS te pueda decir, pero para mí es lo mismo (aparte de que en modo vulkan no se me ponga el juego a pantalla completa a no ser que le ponga la misma resolución que en mi escritorio)
"Las ideas son más poderosas que las armas. Si no permitimos a nuestros enemigos tener armas; ¿Porqué ibamos a permitirles tener ideas?" (Stalin)


Yo tambien probe el Vulkan en Windows y como dije sera mas para editar cosas dentro del motor de juego mas que nada.


CitarBETA 1.9.1
New actor flag for not dropping items/keys (Cerberus fix),
Various misc. Fixes involving Hitscan and Vectorscan,
Start/End parameters for the CanSee function has been reversed - fixes MANY behavior problems,
Fixed damage sectors not immediately damaging player on land impact,
Fixed scroll floors/ceilings in wrong direction in E2M6,
Fixed code to determine if wall should have decals (using proper logic now). Fixes decals not showing up in many areas in E1M1,
Fixed up A LOT of the Cultists behaviors. Only use a 2D hitscan vector for determining sightlight checks instead of 3D. Fixes several problems,
Cultists now play Gib SEQ based on type,
Cultists and Earth/Axe Zombies now ignore damaged based sectors (fixes AI issue in DWE1M1),
Proximity range for prox mines is now correct,
Fix issue with gib objects and other types from spawning two of the same item,
Fixed a typo with Exp_Dynamite_Wall, resulting in no SEQ from playing when invoked,
Minor bug fix with the CanSee function. Fixes an issue in DWE3M2,
Art tile animation is now randomized for oscil,
Fix mouse not working on main menu after loading lower saves,
Audio velocity option is now saved to config,
Player no longer falls while dead in water,
Camera no longer toggle chasecam while in menu,
Map markers now show with an exclusive cheat (new cheat code: OAKISLAND),
Can now switch weapons during any point of the gun's state that isn't lowering or holstering,
Fixed a bug where explosion objects would persist due to bad underflow of xSprite's data1 and data4 members,
Fixed hitscan wall detection and wall UV mapping,
Added scale console variable for the weapon wheel. Set g_weaponWheelScale in the console to change it (defaults to 1.0),
Changed player jump boot height to 24.0. Makes it easier to reach the rooms in BB1,
Bug fix with wall unlock commands sending a ON command,
Support for padlock actor.


Aunque la IA es diferente al original sigue siendo igual de dificil. Es genial el port con unos ajustes quedara perfecto. Arreglaron el cielo que en resoluciones altas en bloodgdx se ve terrible.


Sigo esperando antes de comprarlo.

Quizas en Verano lo hare.


Blood - Fresh Supply 1.8.8-5 version GOG!Kw8jAQpD!X7fxQ0wfgfEZAg369HQW5kU8ZnctUyQHf3GV0sLcyZQ

Patch Notes:

Blood: Fresh Supply
1.8.8 - 15/05/2019
+ Numerous Multiplayer crashes
+ Glass is now breakable
+ Cryptic Passage - Fix for Level 5. Game should no longer softlock.

+ Fixed video crash when switching from OpenGL to other renderers,
+ Fluidsynth now loads MIDI internally, resolving some instances of user crashes depending on the user's directory name,
+ Fixed CD audio music not being present when reloading a level,
+ Fixed Multiplayer monster settings not being respected,
+ Change "Show Player Weapons" to "Show Player Weapons Overhead",
+ Fixed Armour being affected by friendly fire if friendly fire was switched off,
+ Remove the three extra recoil SFX for Cultists,
+ Tesla blast projectile now renders as flat. Added custom definition entry for making it always pitch towards the viewer,
+ Bug fix with TNT/Spraycan disappearing when exploding in hands while on the last ammo,
+ Removed the run glitch feature,
+ Fixed incorrect negative shade for candles which caused the sprite effect to appear brighter,
+ Removed the pre-fire animation for Tesla weapon,
+ Removed the morphing animation for Gargoyle statues,
+ Stone Gargoyle now uses the correct recoil SFX,
+ Lightly Broiled is now always the default selected menu item when entering the difficulty menu,
+ Akimbo Napalm weapon now plays the correct firing animation as seen in DOS version 1.21 (was using the old 1.0 one),
+ Fixed taunting when killing enemies with TNT not working,
+ Stopped players using power ups when dead,
+ Disallowed Quickloading if no saves are available to load,
+ Fixed a bug that caused a crash at the start of Death Wish E2M1,
+ Autorun state is now saved between sessions,
+ Fixed the Field-of-View slider being uncapped when using the arrow keys or controller,
+ Key sprites now default to full shade values,
+ Imported updated extra Voxels,
+ Major revision to Virtual VRAM system and Shaders. Height is now only padded for wall textures now. Fixes tiling issues with non power of 2 texture widths,
+ Padded textures and normal textures are now treated as separate virtual VRAM entries. This Fixes an issue with the Monolith logo in the save game menu being distorted while in E3M2,
+ Concussion damage is now scaled against tick scale, making Gibbing occur more easily,
+ Changed jump height for getting out of water back to the original height. This fixes a skip in E2M2,
+ Shade value for walls with back wall swap flag is now accounted for,
+ Proper shade and palette values are now inherited from sprite to Voxels (they now appear correct in DWE3M1),
+ Texture UV mapping fixed for E1M1, E1M2, E1M3, E3M2, E1M8,
+ Fixed a bug that would allow loading in multi-player,
+ Fixed issue when moving between menus if the current selected menu entry is too high or low,
+ Players now always respawn with 100 health, regardless of what the level start has,
+ Spray-can and HellHound missiles now deal correct damage type and burn time,
+ Tesla weapon now fires one extra projectile at the end of its firing animation,
+ All TNT, Proximity and Remote explosions now play the correct sprite if not colliding with the floor first,
+ Fixed players being able to cheat to acquire the E3M1 no-civilians-killed achievement,
+ Added support for private and friend lobbies,
+ Added missing Cerberus electrocution state,
+ Jumping boots now negate all pummel (includes fall) damage,
+ Fixed zombies not being changed into dead actors on death, this restores knock-back force found in the DOS version,
+ Added load screen messages when loading fails; allow loading from specific older versions. If, in this case, you want to load saves from the previous Fresh Supply version please type `developer 1` in console, load, save over your old save, then type `developer 0` in console.
+ Fixed timing of burn damage,
+ Enemies now correctly avoid water. This affects Gargoyle behavior in E2M1 on Extra Crispy difficulty,
+ Fixed DWE2M1 bug with player start spawns,
+ Duplicate add-on paths are now checked for,
+ Key 7 is now defined,
+ Remove a specific Voxel on E2M2,
+ Scale Voxels at the same ratio as sprites,
+ Show extra info in lobby list,
+ Pressing use now performs a standard hit-scan operation. This resolves some issues in DWE1M9.



Ya lo tengo comprado el juego y existe una version superior, la 1.9.5. Si siguen asi va a quedar muy bueno el juego.

A ver si un dia de estos hacemos una quedada online.


Blood - Fresh Supply 1.9.5 version GOG!zwlhxa4S!NAliBhOHt7Vf6Cjkn48eERT42_k1TV5QxC5hgwslSUE

Patch Notes

1.9.5 - 04/06/2019
+ Gargoyle Statues can be moved and bleed when shot,
+ Ecto Skull Projectile is now transparent,
+ Reflection effect appears on player when picking up the reflection powerup,
+ Fixed bug with pressing use on wall sprites very close to the wall (fixes some issues in Death Wish),
+ Crash fix for Bloody Pulp Fiction mod,
+ Phantasm bleeds when shot,
+ Fixed bug with pressing use on wall sprites with flip-y flag set. Fixes issue in DWE3M6,
+ Support for unused dude actor types,
+ INI parsing system now replicates Monolith's implementation (fixes numerous issues with user INIs),
+ Full rendering support for wall type 501,
+ Bug fix with Fat Zombies not seeing the player at the beginning of DWE3M2,
+ Sounds played by QAV animations now assigns to channel 16 and up - fixes some problems with them cutting off Caleb's speeches,
+ Reverse search order for linked sprites to sector stacks. Fixes DWE1M3,
+ Reversed CanSee ray direction for CheckProximity - fixes proximity behavior,
+ Fixed incorrect impact fx on vector firing on mid-textures via overpicnum,
+ Jump Boots now protects against pummel type damage,
+ Fixed crash when dropping items not defined in definition system,
+ Fixed issues when interacting with usable walls and sectors marked as ‘pushwall’,
+ RFF system is no longer case-sensitive when looking up data entries,
+ Dude sprite types now activates when receiving the TOUCH or PUSH command,
+ Dude sprite types now applies BLOCKING/HITSCAN/INTERACT flags on spawn,
+ Player can now interact with stone statues,
+ Corrected the bounceDamage factor for Spiders (was 1200 instead of 1600) which result in premature fall damage when they fall near the end of e2m7,
+ New actor flag for not dropping items/keys (Cerberus fix),
+ Various misc. Fixes involving Hitscan and Vectorscan,
+ Start/End parameters for the CanSee function has been reversed - fixes MANY behavior problems,
+ Fixed damage sectors not immediately damaging player on land impact,
+ Fixed scroll floors/ceilings in wrong direction in E2M6,
+ Fixed code to determine if wall should have decals (using proper logic now). Fixes decals not showing up in many areas in E1M1,
+ Fixed up A LOT of the Cultists behaviors. Only use a 2D hitscan vector for determining sightlight checks instead of 3D. Fixes several problems,
+ Cultists now play Gib SEQ based on type,
+ Cultists and Earth/Axe Zombies now ignore damaged based sectors (fixes AI issue in DWE1M1),
+ Proximity range for prox mines is now correct,
+ Fixed issue with gib objects and other types from spawning two of the same item,
+ Fixed a typo with Exp_Dynamite_Wall, resulting in no SEQ from playing when invoked,
+ Minor bug fix with the CanSee function. Fixes an issue in DWE3M2,
+ Art tile animation is now randomized for oscil,
+ Fixed mouse not working on main menu after loading lower saves,
+ Audio velocity option is now saved to config,
+ Player no longer falls while dead in water,
+ Camera no longer toggle chasecam while in menu,
+ Map markers now show with an exclusive cheat (new cheat code: OAKISLAND),
+ Can now switch weapons during any point of the gun's state that isn't lowering or holstering,
+ Fixed a bug where explosion objects would persist due to bad underflow of xSprite's data1 and data4 members,
+ Fixed hitscan wall detection and wall UV mapping,
+ Added scale console variable for the weapon wheel. Set g_weaponWheelScale in the console to change it (defaults to 1.0),
+ Changed player jump boot height to 24.0. Makes it easier to reach the rooms in BB1,
+ Bug fix with wall unlock commands sending a ON command,
+ Support for padlock actor,
+ Art tile animation is now randomized for oscil. Type anims,
+ Allowed loading of all old (day-0 public build or later) saves.



1.9.6 (Update #2.1) - 06/06/2019

    Engine updates,
    Fixed a potential crash with OpenAL playback of Vorbis buffers,
    OpenAL32.dll updated,
    Missles now pass through breakable windows.