Brutal Doom

Iniciado por Zer0-shift, Junio 11, 2011, 09:24:16 AM

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Todo parece muy interesante pero, "recargar" en Doom?? como que le quitaria algo de la magia

Heavy Gunner ²


Excecelente!!!!! ;D

Lo de las ejecuciones me recordo mucho a manhunt.

Y aunque siempre me ha gustado la musica de Doom... no siento que se queda un poco plana con todos los nuevos efectos de sonido.

From illusion to truth... From darkness to light... From doom to eternity...


Cita de: TheClansman en Octubre 21, 2012, 12:49:46 AM
Todo parece muy interesante pero, "recargar" en Doom?? como que le quitaria algo de la magia
la verdad a mi no me importo eso, si le quita ese toque retro dandole uno mas moderno, pero eso arregla el hecho de que algunas armas estan mejoradas(habeces puedes llegar a matar Hell Knights con dos super escopetasos, o incluso dos pinkies a la vez con un tiro). por cierto, nose si sea esclusivo del 17a, pero ayi puedes "rodar" hacia los lados para esquivar :D


¿De casualidad alguien no tendrá por ahí guardada la versión 0.9b de Brutal Doom? Se lo agradecería :)

Visita mi blog sobre Android y Linux:

Murder Death Kill

La nueva versión esta muy pulida.

Pruebenla, salió ayer.


Los Mas Viciosos Comunidad gamer de TeamSpeak3 en Español


Iba a ponerlo en un tema nuevo, pero ya que he recordado que estaba este lo pongo aqui.
Hoy acaba de salir la version 19 de este espectacular mod:

He aqui la lista de cambios, que no son pocos:
Stuff changed/added since version 18a:

    - Sticky gibs added.
    - Dozens of new death animations and multilations for almost every monster.
    - Removed vertical recoil for minigun's primary fire.
    - Fixed a bug causing the minigun to spend one bullet without actually firing anything at the start of the fire animation.
    - New smoke effects.
    - Better sprites for smashed brain pieces.
    - New sprites for the Plasma Rifle and new alternate attack.
    - Improved blood decals.
    - Fixed a bug causing barrels to dont cause damage when exploding over a liquid surface.
    - Improved Lost Soul's death.
    - Fixed dynamic lights for some projectiles.
    - When a burning zombie runs into an explosive barrel, the barrel will always explode.
    - The flying bodies of zombies and imps killed by explosives will now cause area damage.
    - Added The "Super Marines". They will follow you everywhere, and if they get too far, they will teleport next to you. They will talk to you. They will give you items. They will salute you if you salute them. They are supposed to follow you into other levels.
    Sometimes they will fail to know where you are and teleport next to you. This usually happens if you enter a teleport while they were standing next to you and not moving.
    - Added localized damage on legs for zombies and imps. Now legs amputations happens when you actually shot their legs, and not randomly. But shooting legs now deals less damage.
    - Fatalities are now much faster, and will give 50% less health. But now the health given by these adrenaline boosts can go over 100%.
    - Super shotgun can kill Cacodemons with a single shoot at point-blank range and Hell Knights with a shoot to the face, but now it requires more time to reload.
    - During the "Revenant Baseball" fatality, the player can aim at an enemy during the fatality and kill it with the revenant head.
    - New animations: Hell Nobles will roar at the player when spoted.
    - Fixed a bug causing sticky gibs to spawn far away from the wall.
    - Further improved smashed brain sprites.
    - Much improved melee combat.
    - Burning barrels can be used as a weapon; it can be kicked, and its burning fuel will lit the ground, dealing heavy damage on enemies.
    - Integrated Perkristian's HD sounds.
    - New gibs for players that now have the correct color translation.
    - Added bouncecounts to all bouncing objects to prevent infinite bounce loop on elevators.
    - non-interactive gib pieces disappears after 2000 tics to prevent fps drops.
    - Finally fixed the "spinning heads" bug.
    - Added floor and ceiling decals for rockets.
    - Improved the "aftermath" of all explosions.
    - Fixed a bug causing barrels to still have colision even after it exploded.
    - Fixed a bug causing revenant rockets to instantly explode on spawn when a revenant was too close of a wall.
    - Fixed a bug causing the Baron of Hell to spawn wrong gibs after his head is destroyed.
    - Cacodemons can be set on fire.
    - FIxed a bug causing some actors to behave weirdly underwater.
    - Improved chainsaw.
    - Revenant Missile Launcher primary attack will not fire when not targeting an enemy. Use alt fire for a free fire mode.
    - Nerfed Super Shotgun (increased spread and reload time).
    - Nazis and Commander Keen upgrades removed because it was breaking compatibility with wads using DEHACKED.
    - Cyberdemon will need to take 12 rocket headshots instead of 8 to die quickly.
    - Improved stealth kill sprites.
    - Improved Revenant's blood, gib pieces, and now it acts like a real undead creature (you must destroy its torso or head to stop him. He will still able to fight after you destroy his legs)
    - Added more brains to Imp's curbstomp fatality.
    - Fixed a bug causing shotgunguys and chaingunguys to not drop weapons after a Stealth Kill.
    - Fixed a bug causing the Rocket Launcher to do no splash damage when a rocket exploded on a ceiling.
    - FIxed a bug causing some projectiles to unable to hit the head of a Mastermind.
    - Fixed a bug that wouldn't make zombiemen be set on fire by imp fireballs.
    - Fixed a bug causing the assault rifle to bug when you tryied to reload the weapon with a full clip while aiming down the sights.
    - Explosive Barrels will no longer explode when hit by punches, kicks, or lost soul attacks.
    - Fixed a bug allowing the player to do punches while in a fatality.
    - Improved deaths when enemies are killed by kicks on berserk state.
    - Punches will no longer force the player to stop and face the target.
    - Imps can swim underwater.
    - Killing an enemy with a freezing weapon will cause it to have a new death animation.
    - Improved zombieman and shotgunguy curbstomps, and added more brains.
    - Revenant Missile Launcher only fires when it has a valid target.
    - Changed the way that mancubus fireball behaves; now it will explode on impact, launching burning fuel in all directions.
    - When an enemy is kicked or tossed away by explosions, it will able to hurt other enemies and infight.
    - New guts looks much better now.
    - Fixed stealth monsters.
    - Added horizontal cut death animation for Demons.
    - So many minor fixes that I even forgot to list.

Y aqui os dejo el link de descarga, subido por mi, ya que lo he bajado de moddb y algunas veces esa web da problemas para descargar:
Los Mas Viciosos Comunidad gamer de TeamSpeak3 en Español


Gracias tio!  ;)

Lo probare en breve!! este descargado mirate el video en mi seccion review sobre el brutal doom! que he puesto :)


muy genial este mod, lo acabo de jugar y tiene varias cosas nuevas, ahora el autor SGT_Mark_IV dice que viene con un pack de mapas, lso cuales son 13 y se llama beyond hell and earth, el cual viene en un archivo .pk3 trate de hacerlo funcionar en gzdoom y  zandronum pero no puedo hacerlo funcionar, solo me toma el doom2.wad y el .pk3 del brutaldoom, pero no puedo hacer correr los susodichos mapas, y por lo que he visto en las fotos estan demasiado buenos, alguien los pudo hacer funcionar?????????  ??? ??? ???


hostias  no lo e probado  y ya se. que es mi vida


Con base en Brutal Doom, llega Project Brutality, mas carnicería, mas sangre:


este mod esta muy bien, pero los monstruos son los basicos. A mi ya me terminan aburriendo monstruos tan faciles. Si les diera compatibilidad con algun pack de monstruos como el complex doom, que ultimamente esta siendo muy usado molaria mas.