ayudita con niveles secretos (resuelto)

Iniciado por Randall Flagg, Mayo 31, 2009, 11:27:18 PM

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Randall Flagg

por favor no me maten, pero jams supe cómo se entra en elnivel secreto del episodio 3 creoque se llama warrens.como entro? se que la entrada es desde mt erebus con el controlde la calavera (siempre usaba el truco del clip)


Cita de: "Randall Flagg"por favor no me maten, pero jams supe cómo se entra en elnivel secreto del episodio 3 creoque se llama warrens.como entro? se que la entrada es desde mt erebus con el controlde la calavera (siempre usaba el truco del clip)

No mw acuerdo bién pero yo creo que nada màs le daba al control de abrir rodeando  todo el cubo azul varias veces hasta que se activaba el interruptor de la calavera.saludos
"mulo, mulo, gato, gile, pero si no saben ni hablar brutos!!" - Iorio. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2PVTUQlyEw


Se accede desde E3M6: Mt. Erebus, de la wiki de Doom:

Secret exit: The area that contains the secret exit switch is inescapable, so only enter it once you are ready to exit the level. Pick up one of the invulnerability spheres and make your way back through the teleporter from secret 2. This time, inch along the platform you arrive on to your right and around a corner. You'll see a blue box in the water below. Position yourself directly across from this box and face the red brick wall. Fire your rocket launcher at the wall and run backwards simultaneously, and you should be fired into the box, the invulnerability powerup absorbing all damage you would have taken. This takes you to the secret level. E3M9: Warrens. It's possible to straferun into the box, but the rocket jump is the intended (and easiest) method.

There is a glitch where you can actually access the Warrens level without accomplishing the above. To do so, go to the area where you would normally try to get into the hole. On the outer regions and where the actual switch is (you won't see it as a blue wall is blocking it), press spacebar at the right spot. Though this is technically illogical, the game will think you've pressed the switch. However, you won't be credited for the secret once you finish the level.

Randall Flagg

Grax! Funcionó con el cohetazo en la muralla roja...