Ya ha salido el Zdoom 2.2.0

Iniciado por Jumentor, Febrero 17, 2008, 12:47:19 PM

Tema anterior - Siguiente tema


Pero eso hace damsiado dificil el Doom! Se suponia que solo existia en el skill Nightmare! De todas maneras supongo que seguire usando GZDoom...


Cita de: "StalkerGpena"Pero eso hace damsiado dificil el Doom! Se suponia que solo existia en el skill Nightmare! De todas maneras supongo que seguire usando GZDoom...

No, la actualizacion no implica ningun campio de jugabilidad en DooM, es solo para creadores de mods que pueden añadir esta funcion a nuevos monstruos que creen...
Los Mas Viciosos Comunidad gamer de TeamSpeak3 en Español

Demmon Break Master

El decorate ahora es el de GZDoom sin ir más lejos. Osea, GZDoom y ZDoom usan los mismos codigos ahora.

Crazy Chicken

ojala que esta actualizacion se incluya en la proxima version de skulltag
Recatate que vienen los Gremlins viteh!!!!
Crazy Chicken Palace, entren o MORIRAN!!


También lo descargué y lo he probado (este usé para demos). Pero siento que se pone lento al terminar un nivel. No sé si sea mi máquina o es porque juego en 1024x768.
                   Fire Away Peruvian Style!


Cita de: "Doom25"También lo descargué y lo he probado (este usé para demos). Pero siento que se pone lento al terminar un nivel. No sé si sea mi máquina o es porque juego en 1024x768.

Yo juego en la maxima resolucion y va muy bien, eso si que en algunos screen como el de status al finalizar un nivel, la pantalla queda media descuadrada, asi:

Esto no me pasaba antes. Sin mencionar que ahora cuando presionas el Toggle automap, las lineas se ven muy gruesas y parecen que estan con algun filter, no se si a mi nada mas me pase.
"Get over here!"

Crazy Chicken

Cita de: "Scorpion"
Cita de: "Doom25"También lo descargué y lo he probado (este usé para demos). Pero siento que se pone lento al terminar un nivel. No sé si sea mi máquina o es porque juego en 1024x768.

Yo juego en la maxima resolucion y va muy bien, eso si que en algunos screen como el de status al finalizar un nivel, la pantalla queda media descuadrada, asi:

Esto no me pasaba antes. Sin mencionar que ahora cuando presionas el Toggle automap, las lineas se ven muy gruesas y parecen que estan con algun filter, no se si a mi nada mas me pase.

yo juego a 640x480, porque en las resoluciones mas altas, los indicadores se ven muy chicos
Recatate que vienen los Gremlins viteh!!!!
Crazy Chicken Palace, entren o MORIRAN!!

chino moreno

No le veo mucha diferencia con la versión anterior  :? o ya me estoy volviendo ciego ;).

Alguien me dice qué trae de innovador esta nueva versión.




Cita de: "chino moreno"No le veo mucha diferencia con la versión anterior  :? o ya me estoy volviendo ciego ;).

Alguien me dice qué trae de innovador esta nueva versión.

ojala que sea asi, que todo se vea viejo y antiguo, como debe ser.


Cita de: "chino moreno"No le veo mucha diferencia con la versión anterior  :? o ya me estoy volviendo ciego ;).

Alguien me dice qué trae de innovador esta nueva versión.


Ya lo he dixo por ahi arriba, la mayoria de los cambios son en el codigo para implementar mas opciones a la hora de crear mods, los unicos cambios que he visto relacionados con el SP en si son la mejora del codigo D3D para una mejor compatibilidad con Vista, algunas opciones presentes en el skulltag añadidas y la posibilidad de ver el ENDOOM al final de cada juego...

He aqui la lista completa de cambios:

Short list of new features:

   * Custom damage types
   * Custom pain chances for custom damage types
   * Custom damage effectiveness to make monsters stronger/weaker against custom damage types
   * Custom state labels. Actors are no longer bound to Spawn, See, Death, etc. Users can define their own states.
   * User Constructable Statusbars
   * Custom Skill settings to modify or add user definable skill settings to the skill selection menu
   * most thing functions treat a tid of 0 as an activator tid.
   * Many things ported from skulltag including powerups and flags for increased port compatability
   * New D3D display code for better Vista support
   * Startup screens that mimic the MS-DOS versions of all games
   * ENDOOM lump support for displaying dos graphic lumps once zdoom quits

Long list of more additions, in approximate chronological order:

   * Custom blood on an actor by actor basis into decorate
   * Smart autoaim code to prevent the targeting of friendly monsters.
   * Skulltag-type armor bonus that increases the max amount that can be given by other armor items.
   * New flag that prevents bleeding actors from spawning blood decals.
   * Customizable border textures. They are defined with the MAPINFO keyword 'bordertexture' and are settable per map.
   * Custom label support for A_Chase and A_VileChase
   * r_maxparticles CVAR from Skulltag
   * Added Skulltag's REDMAP and GREENMAP
   * Player.RunHealth property to expose the StrifePlayer's behavior of not being able to run when its health is below 10.
   * Customizable gravity per actor
   * Summonfoe console command, which is analagous to summonfriend but forces the summoned creature to be hostile instead.
   * Damage-specific player pain sounds
   * Added two new MAPINFO flags to control what actor activates impact lines:
         o MissileShootersActivateImpactLines - the current behavior
         o MissilesActivateImpactLines - the original Hexen behavior
   * Damage-specific player death sounds, in the same fashion as the
     damage-specific player pain sounds. The game looks for a sound with a name like
     "*death-damagetype" first and then "*death" if the first sound didn't exist.
   * More player water sounds:
         o *dive - Played when your head goes below water
         o *surface - Played when your head goes back above water
         o *gasp - Played when you were drowning and get your air back
   * Using "*" with ACS's music commands will play the level's default music set in MAPINFO
   * Two new cvars (win_x and win_y) that keep track of the window position when not playing in fullscreen mode
   * Key bindings can now be printed with ACS
   * KEEPDEPLETED flag for inventory items to keep them in the player's inventory even when they have been used up. If the item also has an inventory bar icon, it will be drawn darkened while it is depleted.
   * IGNORESKILL flag for ammo that prevents the given quantity from being modified by the skill level
   * AttackZOffset for PlayerPawn. This is the offset from the center of the player at which their attacks are fired and scales according to their crouched height.
   * Added a new SetActorState ACS function:

     Code: Select all • Expand view
         int SetActorState (int tid, str statename, optional bool exact);

     If tid is 0, it affects the script activator, otherwise it affects all the matching actors. Statename is the name of the state you want to put the actor in. The final parameter, exact, specifies whether or not partial state name matches are accepted. If you don't specify it or set it to false, if you try to do something like:

     Code: Select all • Expand view
         SetActorState (0, "Foo.Bar");

     And the actor has a Foo state but no Foo.Bar state, it will enter the Foo state. If you set exact to true:

     Code: Select all • Expand view
         SetActorState (0, "Foo.Bar", true);

     Then the actor must have a Foo.Bar state, or it will not change state at all, even if it has a Foo state. The return value for this function is the number of actors that successfully changed state. Note that you should refrain from using this function to enter special states such as Death, or unpredictable results could occur.
   * CANUSEWALLS flag which allows a monster to activate 'use' specials like doors. This flag is on by default for any monster, which was the previous behavior.
   * Thing_Stop action special
   * Skulltag's Drain and Regeneration runes as powerups and used specific player sounds for their sound effects
   * Skulltag's PowerQuadDamage and PowerQuarterDamage as more customizable PowerDamage and PowerProtection. These new powerups allow free customization of the damage modification per damage type by inheriting from these classes and setting specific values. Such derived damage/protection powerups will be considered as separate powers so that for example a QuadDamage and a DoubleDamage item can be stacked which would result in 8x damage.
   * Skulltag's high jump rune as a powerup
   * Skulltag's custom F1 help screen MAPINFO option
   * New flag that allows exploding items to hurt boss monsters
   * New flag that allows using things to execute their specials
   * Compatibility option to restore the original behavior of the Invisibility powerup
   * Telefrag option added to A_SpawnItemEx.
   * Added option to A_Chase that prevents the monster from moving.
   * Skill definitions from MAPINFO
   * 'Allowrespawn' MAPINFO option
   * New scoreboards
   * IWAD-based [*.Autoload] ini support for games that have more than one IWAD. They are:
         o [Doom1.Autoload]
         o [Doom2.Autoload]
         o [Plutonia.Autoload]
         o [TNT.Autoload]
         o [HexenDK.Autoload]
   * Custom status bars through the SBARINFO lump
   * New A_LookEx function
   * Customizable teams through the TEAMINFO lump
   * 'Take' console command to do the opposite of 'give'
   * UseInventory/UseActorInventory ACS functions
   * New A_CustomBulletAttack aimfacing parameter
   * New A_PlaySoundEx attenuation parameter
   * Automap markers are stored in savegames now
   * 'No respawn' DMFlag2 which prevents a player from respawning after they have died
   * 'Keep frags gained' DMFlag2 which allows you to choose whether you want to reset the frags of each player next level or not
   * Sector_Outside sector type which forces outside fog regardless of ceiling texture
   * User-defined crosshairs in the Display Options menu. See xhairs.txt in zdoom.pk3.
   * Skulltag's SAME_SPAWN_SPOT flag
   * Skulltag's pickup sprite for the pistol
   * Gneric log display that can show Strife's log messages in all games regardless of the current game, active status bar and HUD mode
   * GZDoom's alternate HUD.
   * Support for stencilling actors
   * .TXT files can now be loaded by simply dragging-and-dropping them on top of zdoom.exe
   * 'Ice' translation is accessible from DECORATE
   * Teamplay MAPINFO option.
   * Custom damage color per player class.
   * ACS script type "return". These are executed by players who return to a map they've previously been to.

P.D.: Muy interesante este añadido * User Constructable Statusbars que nos permitira construir a nuestro antojo la barra de estado  :P
Los Mas Viciosos Comunidad gamer de TeamSpeak3 en Español

Murder Death Kill

Cita de: "DooMknight"P.D.: Muy interesante este añadido * User Constructable Statusbars que nos permitira construir a nuestro antojo la barra de estado  :P
Eso también me llamó la atención.