Doom 64 anunciado para Switch Y PC

Iniciado por Mangetsu, Septiembre 05, 2019, 12:19:51 AM

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Van a incluir un episodio nuevo con el juego:

CitarDoom 64 has been discussed a lot in the lead-up to Doom Eternal, especially by Eternal's co-director Hugo Martin. Can you talk about any connections Doom fans should keep an eye out for in either game?

James Haley, senior developer: On our end, persistent players will have the opportunity to unlock a new chapter in the Doomguy's saga, taking place shortly after [Doom 64's] original campaign concludes. The Mother Demon you defeated in that outing had a sister, and since you've been messing up Hell non-stop, she tries to get rid of you by sending you away. If you can make your way back and take revenge, you'll be rewarded with a bit of lore that fans of both series, new and classic, should enjoy.


Genial, lo espero impacientemente porque el juego en si ya era MUY bueno, ahora sera incluso mas valioso.


Lo que más recuerdo del Doom 64 y que por cierto más me marcó fue la música...o en realidad los sonidos ambiente, en especial el siguiente track:

Genera una ambientación realmente inquietante!
What's the use of worrying about your beard when your head's about to be taken?