Nuevo source-port: Doom Retro

Iniciado por Eye del Cul, Agosto 15, 2014, 07:58:35 PM

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Eye del Cul

Hoy me he enterado de su existencia, pero la primera versión apareció en diciembre de 2013, aprovechando con el 20º aniversario de la publicación de Doom:


Se trata de un derivado de Chocolate Doom para Windows, con algunos añadidos mayormente estéticos. No lo he probado, de todas formas. Aunque parece interesante, y bastante ambicioso.

Aquí la lista de características que dan ellos:

  • A convenient WAD launcher.
  • 640×400 resolution, which is twice the resolution of the original DOOM, and accommodating for any screen size while maintaining the correct 4:3 aspect ratio.
  • A widescreen mode with heads up display.
  • Windowed and fullscreen modes, switchable at any time using ALT+ENTER.
  • Alpha, additive and per-pixel translucency effects.
  • More blood and blood splats.
  • Cacodemons have blue blood, and Hell Knights and Barons of Hell have green blood.
  • Per-pixel fullbright wall textures.
  • Randomly mirrored corpses.
  • 4 darker gamma correction levels to accommodate for today's brighter LCD screens.
  • The limits of the original DOOM are either raised or removed completely.
  • Various rendering improvements (such as less "firelines" and "slime trails", the removal of "sparkles" along the bottom edge of doors, better drawn floors and ceilings, changes in height are drawn more accurately, tweaks to the status bar, and a better and more consistent fuzz effect for Spectres and the partial invisibility power-up).
  • A majority of "bugs" from the original DOOM have been fixed (see
  • Better keyboard support (W/A/S/D keys set by default, use CAPSLOCK to always run, and the WINDOWS key is disabled).
  • Better gamepad support (configurable, vibration for Xbox 360 controllers, can be connected/disconnected mid game).
  • Better mouse support (higher allowable mouse sensitivity, no vertical movement, use mousewheel to change weapons).
  • Several hundred level-specific fixes (missing or wrong textures, stuck monsters, etc).
  • Updated help screens.
  • Significant changes to automap (dynamically updates, a rotate mode, scaled thing triangles, wider solid walls and drawn over other walls, lines don't glitch along edges of the screen, secrets drawn correctly as they are discovered).
  • Several improvements to the menu and message systems.
  • Better screenshots (saved as BMP instead of PCX, actual size of screen resolution, limit removed).
  • Several improvements to monster animations.
«Porque buscar a alguien patético en Internet es como buscar caballos en un establo: encontrarás alguno, seguramente» -- Phobos Anomaly


Suena bastante interesante, a ver si durante la tarde le doy una probada.
Gracias por compartirlo!  ;D
What's the use of worrying about your beard when your head's about to be taken?
