Nightdive x Blood

Iniciado por BOT69, Diciembre 07, 2018, 05:11:45 PM

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Justo hoy sacan ese parche, genial.


Blood - Fresh Supply 1.9.6-1 version GOG!Dg1zSI4I!tBBtKkRLdMyaFdo-6nsXGVqn5sP0cMC6fn1uhYSqes0

Patch Notes:

1.9.6 (Update 2.1) - 06/06/2019
+ Engine updates,
+ Fixed a potential crash with OpenAL playback of Vorbis buffers,
+ OpenAL32.dll updated,
+ Missiles now pass through breakable windows.


Que raro que no han sacado ninguna update mas.


Creo que sacarán una más y luego será Atari el que de soporte.
-¡Hola! ¿Qué tal?


De veras?

Sera bueno tener a ATARI a cargo?


Sí. Cuando salga el último parche para FS podéis despediros de más actualizaciones del puerto.

Teniendo en cuenta que Atari no ha lanzado el código fuente bajo GPL tengo serias dudas de que continúen el soporte.

Moveros a nBlood y GDX. nBlood tendrá nMapedit algún día de estos (el autor está en ello), pero no hay nada anunciado para GDX acerca de Mapedit.
-¡Hola! ¿Qué tal?


Hasta el propio Kaiser esta recomendando moverse a nBlood, espero que saquen pronto su version del MapEdit.
Citar"just use NBlood. Move on. Hopefully it'll take lessons from the scripting capabilities in FS and adapt it for itself."

A veces me pregunto si Atari es el rey midas inverso de la industria.


Blood - Fresh Supply 1.9.10 version GOG!up0DlCaD!lwviiPBNiPLTUS1xjPAMZUiFCDFb_Tiu1zIJRaAsE1M

Patch Notes:

1.9.10 (Update 3) - 05/08/2019

+ Sprite links and how they're handled on level load is now accurate,
+ Earth zombie accuracy behaviour fix. They immediately go into search state when woken,
+ Ghost sight check accuracy behaviour fix (does not use eye-height offset when calling hitscan),
+ Napalm damage type accuracy fixed. Now uses hitscan type,
+ Tommy Gun Alt-Fire attack now uses the correct vector type. Vector type 3 now identified as BV_BULLET_WIDE,
+ Gillbeasts now take flare/fire damage on land,
+ Speed optimizations when writing save games,
+ Sounds now pre-cached on start-up,
+ Correct logic for changing AI targets and kin (incorrect randomization weight),
+ Miscellaneous General Engine Improvements,
+ Explicitly check for link sprites when Z-Translating the sector,
+ Support for tilenums beyond 4095 for SEQ files,
+ Changed ActionScan interaction code,
+ Support to make the object do a small 'boost' when snapping between different floor heights,
+ Fixed Fat Zombie melee vector direction,
+ Fixed player damage from being over-aggressive to network clients,
+ Updated maphacks to include MLD offsets for Voxels,
+ Fixed several floor link collision issues,
+ Updated Steamworks to 1.46,
+ Misc. sprite link fixes,
+ Misc. respawn fixes,
+ Misc. fixes.