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Mostrar Mensajes MenúBeta0.1a (hotfix)
-Fixed a problem of when you exit from map04 and enter to map05, you can't move. [Untrustable]
-Map04 and Map05 added [Untrustable, Crazychicken]
-Replaced Map06 [CplFoley]
-New HUD (its a little buggy on network) [CplFoley]
-New Titlepic [Crazy Chicken]
-Fixed the not-closing sector on map01 [CplFoley]
-New Music for Titlepic [CplFoley]
-Map01, 02 and 03 added [CplFoley]
-A part of Map06
-Timer Script for each map
-Music added (2 Mp3, 3 Midis - One for Titlepic, but, obviosly, i need to modify later the TITLEPIC screen)